It talks like a man, walks like a man, and does other things a man has to do as a man, but it is not a man, it wears long hair. What is it? A loon and lonesome.
This FAGGOT PEDOPHILE or whatever it is
ought to just go ahead and HANG himself.
Probably will when IT loses the primary.
Putting lipstick on a pig, does not change the fact , that it is still a pig.
Weird is the Dems catch-all word to describe Republicans. Being weird means being different. I am so glad I’m different than the Dems.
OMG…. what is that thing???? A freak, that thing would not be allowed in my house, near me or my family… IT is a mental case in ? heels. BEWARE.
Speaking of idiotic responses.
A chick with a Dick!
Let a bunchif children hear this voice. Then ask what gender
That faggot should stand in front of a speeding freight train.
President Trump IS making our lives better. He’s undoing all of dopey Joe’s destructive, self-defeating, un-American policies.
It talks like a man, walks like a man, and does other things a man has to do as a man, but it is not a man, it wears long hair. What is it? A loon and lonesome.
“What we need is serious legislators…”–Dude pretending to be a woman
This FAGGOT PEDOPHILE or whatever it is
ought to just go ahead and HANG himself.
Probably will when IT loses the primary.