It talks like a man, walks like a man, and does other things a man has to do as a man, but it is not a man, it wears long hair. What is it? A loon and lonesome.
This FAGGOT PEDOPHILE or whatever it is
ought to just go ahead and HANG himself.
Probably will when IT loses the primary.
The fact that this is allowed in congress, to let a sick individual even run for a congressional position, he is SICK IN THE HEAD ACTING LIKE A WOMAN. END THIS SICKNESS
Putting lipstick on a pig, does not change the fact , that it is still a pig.
Weird is the Dems catch-all word to describe Republicans. Being weird means being different. I am so glad I’m different than the Dems.
OMG…. what is that thing???? A freak, that thing would not be allowed in my house, near me or my family… IT is a mental case in ? heels. BEWARE.
Speaking of idiotic responses.
A chick with a Dick!
Let a bunchif children hear this voice. Then ask what gender
That faggot should stand in front of a speeding freight train.
President Trump IS making our lives better. He’s undoing all of dopey Joe’s destructive, self-defeating, un-American policies.
It talks like a man, walks like a man, and does other things a man has to do as a man, but it is not a man, it wears long hair. What is it? A loon and lonesome.
“What we need is serious legislators…”–Dude pretending to be a woman
This FAGGOT PEDOPHILE or whatever it is
ought to just go ahead and HANG himself.
Probably will when IT loses the primary.
The fact that this is allowed in congress, to let a sick individual even run for a congressional position, he is SICK IN THE HEAD ACTING LIKE A WOMAN. END THIS SICKNESS
Hey Timbo, no one thinks about mentally unstable folks as yourself. You and your deranged lifestyle doesn’t mean 💩
The funniest thing is that it referred to the Chair as “Madam Chair”.
But that was ok.
I’m too old and sane for this sh-t.