*Hello All!!! Look, I love Nick Sortor’s work but I think things got a little carried away in this one. I “almost” felt sorry fort AOC but it is AOC after all!!!*
She can talk all her nonsense on social media but can’t handle it when someone calls her out.
AOC is just a shit talking coward like all those dummycrats. They sure don’t like it when they get a taste of their own medicine.
I was under the impression that it was ILLEGAL to hire and pay an illegal allien, yet Congesswoman didn’t seem bother by the law while she was employing an illegal on her staff. I just wonder why the press or her fellow congress persons have not brought this up? JUST SAYING!
I just don’t understand why AOC hasn’t been prosecuted? Does no-one remember her Somalia first BS? Then aiding illegal immigrants, against the potust orders. Why are all these governors and mayors getting away with defying the President of the United States? Sanction cities, bull crap! Jail them or deport them, plain and simple.
When has ANY D.C. politician EVER been held accountable??
Queen Twat….. of the Dem party. She is their hope for the future, what little they have left. She is a cnt….. shacked up with a redheaded white soy-boy, Riley Roberts , and claims that they are married, but that she can’t marry because he is white, but she can shack with him? Hates Musk, but drives a Tesla. Hypocrite… donkey teeth, ass, breaking ethics rules to get by and get over. She IS BREAKING THE LAW
Don’t stand in the way of these Demcom. Let them drive their party into the ground.