WOKE Democrat Leaders HUMILIATE Themselves During CHAOTIC CLOWN SHOW DNC Leadership Election!



And they still ended up voting for a white man.

The Afro-Latinx didn’t vote for himself?


  1. And the chaos goes on .
    When one is drowning in chaos , there is no hope of sanity , there is an abundance of leaderless nonsense, there lacks the ability to see and discernment went out the window. What does one get? Cluelessness.

  2. Ever notice the Democrats are always angry and pissed off about everything? Even tho they had control of the Government during the Biden Administration, they still bitched and complained. Well Democrats didn’t you notice the Real Americans Voted all of your asses out in the 2024 Election in a landslide. Bwahahahaha!!! Now go back under your rocks and never come out again. May I suggest psychotherapy for all of you very very sick people.

    • You said it perfectly. We know a couple and all they did was talked Trump bad. Then near the election, we could tell they were getting concerned. On Friday night out at dinner they were frantic about Tariffs. The one asked me what I was going to do about it? I almost laughed in his brainwashed face when I replied: I guess we’ll purchase a 1/2-dozen eggs from now on and eat them every other day. If we could only put all the Dems in the military, most are gutless and won’t serve this country. The Inauguration of Biden, Stephen Cohen (D) Memphis wanted to purge the National Guard and separate the DEMS from the REPUBS. He wanted to put the DEMS in the front. He stated that the DEMS in our military are 20%. That guy’s a lying piece of trash like Adam Schiff.

    • the newest OXYMORON ? “demon-rat leaders” what are they leading? the hateful, stupid, serfs, lemmings, subjects? YOU don’t get a say. YOU didn’t choose your nominee, The rich elite got to vote in Chicago, behind a racist fence (wall) to keep YOU out? sound like democracy? more like a dictatorship, in a cult, like NAZI Germany… death, destruction, gun control? But you hate the supremacist… ever heard of a black supremacist? like Obiden’s 21 million voters that didn’t show up in 2024. THEY don’t exist, or they stayed in their graves this time MORONS

  3. GAY much? Wow, a box to check and he does it, brown and black.. Now there is a solid reason to vote for a FREAK. Its not working… not anymore. Go back to the bath house ,sweetie. Yes , The dems have installed a whole other kind of supremacy….FREAK SUPREMACY…

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