Whoopie gives a new meaning to ugly! A pile of cow, horse, pig and a few other farm animals manure is more attractive than this disgusting looking rag is. She even looks like she smells of a horrible odor. Her attitude goes along with her odor. Promising to leave the USA if President Trump became president was just one of many lies coming out of her filthy mouth. The View should be cancelled too.
If the View is cancelled that big fat ugly stupid slob might really leave this country. Hope she goes to the “motherland.” The lions would feast for a week on her fat ass.
She’s a have been the FACE says it all menopausal -ITCH WITCH
Challenging 1-million-dollar reward “ALL” precedes goes to charity including the Trump foundation
How long does it take to get RID of tis thing in a NY min
TKSSSSS everyone
Gawd, she is one dog-ass ugly “human”… Ick… With age ,she has not gotten better…. A has been slob
Some people age well, some don’t. Whoopi obviously didn’t.
I thought she was moving out of the USA???
She’d have to give up a paycheck and she’s use to having her hand out.
U.S. Geological survey reported a 6.7 earfquake in N.Y. Shitty.
NY Shitty, eh? That’s a good name for it.
April, that fat, partially shaved head bitch will never leave the USA. She’s raking in too much money here.
Whoopie gives a new meaning to ugly! A pile of cow, horse, pig and a few other farm animals manure is more attractive than this disgusting looking rag is. She even looks like she smells of a horrible odor. Her attitude goes along with her odor. Promising to leave the USA if President Trump became president was just one of many lies coming out of her filthy mouth. The View should be cancelled too.
If the View is cancelled that big fat ugly stupid slob might really leave this country. Hope she goes to the “motherland.” The lions would feast for a week on her fat ass.
She’s a have been the FACE says it all menopausal -ITCH WITCH
Challenging 1-million-dollar reward “ALL” precedes goes to charity including the Trump foundation
How long does it take to get RID of tis thing in a NY min
TKSSSSS everyone