The View Goes into Protection Mode For Fauci as He Faces Arrest



Treason should supercede a presidential pardon

Ironic that with names like Joy, Sunny, and Whoopi, these are some of the most miserable people on TV.


  1. In order to get a pardon don’t you have to be convicted of a crime first or at least tell the crime you committed in order to get a pardon because a pardon is worthless if you were not even convicted of a crime yet and found guilty first or at least plead guilty

  2. Most of my family stayed away from the “vaccination “ that Biden was trying to force Americans to take..we had three altogether..the one who got three shots died of a hospital after getting a booster vaccine ..two sisters got one shot a piece after being forced by the places they know lose your job if you refuse..I look at it like take the jab and lose your life or lose your job..well one of them developed blood clots in her legs so bad she had to have an operation..the other sister has continuous health problems..colds every year even in the summer…what we found out is this poison they want so bad to inject you with lowers your immune system and causes cancer increases by 300 per yes Frankenstein Fauci either needs to be prosecuted or held down and given 4 Covid vaccinations also give bill gates and Mr.puppet master Obama should also be given his share of vaccine..these three were at the Wu Chu lab just before the so called “pandemic “ was released..there is a photo that shows this fact

  3. You know the dumbassrats were behind Covid being released everything they tried to do to President Trump didn’t work and then came Covid,Fauci said at the beginning of President Trumps first term there could be a pandemic during his term and look what happened. Send them all to prison.

  4. President Biden is doing what he is told to do. He is going to step down and let Harris become president for a few days so she can pardon him. And she becomes the first woman president without being elected to the presidency. It will be handed to her. Biden needs to be removed from office and Harris needs to be removed from office. When they both have worked together to put felons and murderers back on on the street. Congress has to take action now President Biden has know idea what he is doing he is still trying to destroy our country this time for revenge against the American people for not voting for Harris.

  5. I believe Fauci is a demon on earth. I have maybe a bizarre theory about Covid. I always thought Pelosi and the rest of them arranged for Fauci to create Covid and release it. All to prevent Trump from winning the 2020 election. Never mind how many Americans died, killed themselves, so many lives and businesses ruined and of course, children that lost education because that awful woman Randi, the head of the union or whatever, refused to go back to school when it was perfectly fine. Of course the teachers loved getting paid to go on nice vacations and enjoy a year or so with no work but lots of pay.

  6. What are the odds that the murderous Fauci never had one Covid jab? I had the Chinese flu and didn’t even know. I never got one jab and never got sick! I even refuse to get a pneumonia jab or a flu jab and I’m still here!

    • When I was FORCED to get flu shots, I always got the flu within days after the shot. Haven’t had a flu shot in 40 years and even though I get the flu once every 2 or 3 years, I can treat with over-the-counter medicine and I’m usually over the flu within 24 hours, 48 at the most. I had 2 of the covid jabs and I still got covid and caught it from a guy who had every covid jab and I was only sick for a couple days while he was sick for 4 days! The covid vaccine was NEVER a vaccine. I’ve had polio and smallpox vaccines, and I NEVER caught either disease. Fauci is a lying pile of shit.

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