The Caitlin Clark situation reaches PEAK insanity…



And the league’s black women will continue to despise her.

Should Jackie Robinson have apologized for being black and thanked all the white men who built the leagues before him?


  1. “White apologists”……pathetic. This D.E.I., participation trophy nonsense stops Jan.
    Now you will have to EARN that job with ability, competence and intelligence, just like we did before the limps took over.

  2. I sat directly in front of Willie Mays and Willie McCovey at a basketball game in 1971, and I heard their entire conversation (2++ hours), and spoke to them as well. They could not have been more polite, humble, considerate and thoughtful. Wonderful people. What do we have now? Well, we have a lot of folks who aren’t all that talented, and they are more racist than ever. So, do me a favor media and folks who comment, please get off Caitlin Clark’s back. Stop back stabbing her. Give her a break. She has to live in that world, and it isn’t helpful to her for anyone to think she should be what you want her to be. You aren’t living her life, so shut up. I played national women’s basketball in the late 1960s. I was a national level athlete in several sports. Just back off you nasty fools.

    • Most people aren’t disappointed in Caitlin Clark’s accomplishments, they’re disappointed for her feeling she has to apologize for who she is. She didn’t have to bow down to the WOKE. She can still be herself and screw those that tried to diminish her. She needs to go back to being Caitlin Clark that everybody fell in love with and admired – that’s who she really is. Most aren’t wanting her to be what we want her to be. We want her to be what she was before she was bullied. Don’t stereotype everyone.

  3. Caitlyn Clark, why are you apologizing for being BETTER than every single black woman in the NBA?? They weren’t good to begin with, then you enter , their WORLD was exposed as being “YOU AIN’T THAT GOOD” .
    ANgel Reese got fired for her antics and her top FAN told her to hit the road . That homily old broad who was supposed to “SHOW HER WHAT IT’s LIKE to PLAY GROWN WOMEN”, well , she was just that grown but OLD . NO ONE was watching before you came in. Stupid racist coaches didn’t help the matter. Stupid racist referees didn’t help. WNBA should be put on the trash heap .

  4. All these black lesbians would be unemployed if not for the WNBA, which has never turned profit. Well the Great White Hope Caitlin Clark has arrived, so shutup and collect a paycheck now.

    Caitlin never apologize for being talented white player!

    • just like Drew Brees (New Orleans Saints) threw his grandfather’s service in WW II under the bus, to please the N1663Rs FOOLS LOSERS in the NFL. and Roger GO-TO-HELL is a moron, too

    • The dumbass woke bags of shit don’t realize that Catlin Clark had the ability to make the WNBA profitable. Now that she’s becoming woke herself, throw the profits under the bus. The woke women can cry all they want that they don’t get paid millions of dollars to play a game like their male counterparts in the NBA, but girls, you had the chance and fucked it up.

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