This woman is totally full of crap. With a multimillion dollar salary to spew inane anti Trump lies, she is beyond priveledged. No one wants to hear her garbage mouth running on except for some similarly inclined Liberals. She and the View should be trashed, like the trash they are.
“True happiness comes not only from your success but the failure of others as well.” — Gore Vidal
Cannot tell you how happy it makes me to see Hostin melting down. She is a horrible, horrible person.
I would correct Gorey and add one thing to that the failure of your enemies I dont want to see my friends fail or anybody nice but sonny is a rotten vile pos POS BOYCOTT THE SHOW AND DO NOT BUY ANYTHING THEY ARE PUSHIN ON THEIR STUPID COMMERCIALS JUST SMASH THEM IN THE WALLET THEY WILL LEAVE VERY SOON
They won’t leave voluntarily because that’s all they have to live for. The network will have to oust them but don’t hold your breath because that’s all they’ve got along with a few other loser shows. They didn’t see the writing on the wall after the election. People are beyond fed up. If enough people don’t watch, the pocketbook speaks volumes.
Should’ve went?!?! Do you mean should’ve gone? Be better. Go do some additional training on the english language if you’re going to be in any form of public communication.
Rob go back to school little man and learn some manners!
this is not 3rd grade and you are not here to correct peoples grammar skills ,do you fancy yourself the big Professor correcting peoples language skills you classless moron you delusional goon
The View is a program well past it’s prime and relevance, hosted by so-called celebrities that are well past their prime and relevance, but are so delusional as to think that what they say matters. The sad thing about them is they’re spewing all their hate and racism but don’t recognize that what they’re doing is exactly what they’re accusing others of. Bet they can’t look in a mirror without puking at what they see. Just cancel the show.
Every one of these women don’t even need to be questioned about their mental illness, it’s smack in front for everyone to see. They lack any common sense and make the National Enquirer look like the Bible compared to these disgusting women! The only reason ABC continues to keep this on is due to the viewers on the left who are equally as mental if not more than these mental cases. They all should be committed and show shut down for good.
Sunny is a misandrist, or misanthrope. Does anyone else see someone else in Sunny’s face? Look at her closely and decide if you think she looks an awful lot like Kamala?
Actually all of the far left deranged entities all have the same hatred on their faces that they could be related. If you change the channel, it’s the same thing, just a different network.
All these old hags, are disgusting, sick, evil, mentally touched, woman of stupidity, every time they open their pie holes. The show is in the toilet, and can’t be fixed, get rid of it.
I can’t believe Sunny gets paid all that money to bash Trump and the Republicans. It’s a toss up between Sunny and Whoopi for nastiness. Enjoyed the video.
To LA Conservative, No matter what I say you always say I have said this before. Even when I reply to someone else’s comment. You are a bunch of fascist left-wing cock suckers. Last I heard freedom of speech is still in the realm. I hope and pray you get taken down. Now from a hard-working taxpayer. I am for sealing the borders. Go fuck yourselves.
I’m not sure who you’re trying to insult. You have used “To LA Conservative” and “fascist left-wing c–k s—–s” (insulting in of itself) in the same paragraph. Exactly who are you addressing?
I would add Alyssa Farah Griffin to the list because she was the “White House Director of Strategic Communications and Assistant to the President in 2020 during the presidency of Donald Trump…” She is even worse because she was a traitor to the Trump presidency. She burned bridges that she’ll never recover from. All she’ll ever have is the deranged left.
For anyone who is interested, the Bible says in the last days people will think what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right. I see othat from dems. Like Sunny Hostin all the time. How can anyone look at what Trump accomplished in four years and compare to Bident’s t non accomplishments, inflation, record border acrossings and how none of the dems dire warnings about Trump came true — and not see how good his leadership and policies are?
Bob Iger has totally destroyed what Walt Disney created. The View is just par for the course for him. He will go down in history as the person who destroyed the dreams of the Happiest Place on earth by bad financial decisions and pedophilia.
After all these years getting away with this. This hour spot on TV is as worthless as a used burrito. It stinks politically the View is past tense. Their new logo is THE PEW. This is still America we have a constitution. The rules are the same for everybody, not illegals.
That is coven of pit vipers. That are all rude, vile, nasty,trashy , vulgar wastes of protoplasm. Who would hire any of them. Disney beat the bushes for the worst scumbags they could find and were finally successful at something. WOKE , DEI is at last dead.
[…] as she is a senior legal correspondent and analyst for ABC News. Hostin’s uncontrolled rants have hurt the program’s viewership. Apparently, Hostin’s contribution to this was clear enough for […]
[…] is a senior legal correspondent and analyst for ABC News. Hostin’s uncontrolled rants have hurt the program’s viewership. Apparently, Hostin’s contribution to this was clear enough […]
The view has no view never did only people who listen to the view are drama queens and they can have them nothing worst then drama queens so if you ask me who are the view again
I can’t believe Sunny gets paid millions for being toxic and sitting on her a**. The View needs to clean house and get rid of them all or cancel the show all together.
They keep “The View” on the air, as it conveys the demeaning remarks that liberals like to hear. The crap they broadcast every day gets “The View,” a lot of back chatter on other networks. This back chatter is essential to the success of “The View.” Regardless if it makes conservatives mad, it will continue, as that is what makes the show tick, so to speak. Another thing that I see as annoying is the salary these crazy broads make. The world is genuinely upside-down; hopefully, it will right itself with the help of President Donald J. Trump.
As rediculous and out of touch as the cackling hens on the view are, I’m surprised it hasn’t been canceled yet. ABC could fill the time slot with reruns of Gilligan’s Island to get more viewers.
Somebody sue these women into oblivion….. somebody sue the dhow, network, and Disney into nonexistence. These hateful crazy woke shows should all be shut down.
That godawful BLACK ANGUS aint no better either.
For some reason the BLACK ANGUS is supposed to be worth $60 million, makes $8 million a year and says she cant afford to EAT!!
By the looks I’m positive she’s been well FED!!
She should be very worried about her daughter. Not being able to get an attitude to me of her daughter. Is half as insane and worthless as her mother. Then thank God, her daughter is going to be a failure in life. Sunny Holston is probably one of the most racist worthless anti-American fucksteins that ever. Was born, which is actually according to some democrats.She was actually born a butt hole baby out of her dad’s butt hole true story.I heard democrats say it can happen
Ms. Hostin and the other women are past their “expiration date”. They are disgruntled ,most often angry, closed-minded harridans whose opinions provide support for those trapped in an “oppressed woman” ideology. How much better would the show be with some younger, educated, forward looking, women to discuss current cultural and political issues that will impact the future of the nation?
What a bunch of losers, these nasty people should never been hired by ABC’s nut job Bobby Iggger, Walt is surely crying in his grave, for what these nincompoops have done to his once joyful family project.
This woman is totally full of crap. With a multimillion dollar salary to spew inane anti Trump lies, she is beyond priveledged. No one wants to hear her garbage mouth running on except for some similarly inclined Liberals. She and the View should be trashed, like the trash they are.
I agree with you 100%.
i couldn’t have said it better, I agree with you 100%
Don’t insult the potato! They deserve better.
i meant that shit show is total garbage
Hostin is one of the biggest Anti-American, Hate Mongering Racist on TV, that whole show should be permanently removed from TV .
“True happiness comes not only from your success but the failure of others as well.” — Gore Vidal
Cannot tell you how happy it makes me to see Hostin melting down. She is a horrible, horrible person.
I would correct Gorey and add one thing to that the failure of your enemies I dont want to see my friends fail or anybody nice but sonny is a rotten vile pos POS BOYCOTT THE SHOW AND DO NOT BUY ANYTHING THEY ARE PUSHIN ON THEIR STUPID COMMERCIALS JUST SMASH THEM IN THE WALLET THEY WILL LEAVE VERY SOON
They won’t leave voluntarily because that’s all they have to live for. The network will have to oust them but don’t hold your breath because that’s all they’ve got along with a few other loser shows. They didn’t see the writing on the wall after the election. People are beyond fed up. If enough people don’t watch, the pocketbook speaks volumes.
Should’ve went?!?! Do you mean should’ve gone? Be better. Go do some additional training on the english language if you’re going to be in any form of public communication.
Rob go back to school little man and learn some manners!
this is not 3rd grade and you are not here to correct peoples grammar skills ,do you fancy yourself the big Professor correcting peoples language skills you classless moron you delusional goon
I don’t understand why any of them make what they do. Look at any local marketshare for them. That shamwow infomercial draws more viewers.
The View is a program well past it’s prime and relevance, hosted by so-called celebrities that are well past their prime and relevance, but are so delusional as to think that what they say matters. The sad thing about them is they’re spewing all their hate and racism but don’t recognize that what they’re doing is exactly what they’re accusing others of. Bet they can’t look in a mirror without puking at what they see. Just cancel the show.
I agree it should have been cancelled years ago.
The left accusing the right of what they have been doing all along is part of their playbook. They have no original narrative of their own.
Sunny’s not even who she says she is, she is descended from major slave owners and no doubt would still own them if she could.
Every one of these women don’t even need to be questioned about their mental illness, it’s smack in front for everyone to see. They lack any common sense and make the National Enquirer look like the Bible compared to these disgusting women! The only reason ABC continues to keep this on is due to the viewers on the left who are equally as mental if not more than these mental cases. They all should be committed and show shut down for good.
Sunny is a misandrist, or misanthrope. Does anyone else see someone else in Sunny’s face? Look at her closely and decide if you think she looks an awful lot like Kamala?
Actually all of the far left deranged entities all have the same hatred on their faces that they could be related. If you change the channel, it’s the same thing, just a different network.
Scummy is a stupid, loud mouthed, brain dead skank!
All these old hags, are disgusting, sick, evil, mentally touched, woman of stupidity, every time they open their pie holes. The show is in the toilet, and can’t be fixed, get rid of it.
I can’t believe Sunny gets paid all that money to bash Trump and the Republicans. It’s a toss up between Sunny and Whoopi for nastiness. Enjoyed the video.
To LA Conservative, No matter what I say you always say I have said this before. Even when I reply to someone else’s comment. You are a bunch of fascist left-wing cock suckers. Last I heard freedom of speech is still in the realm. I hope and pray you get taken down. Now from a hard-working taxpayer. I am for sealing the borders. Go fuck yourselves.
I’m not sure who you’re trying to insult. You have used “To LA Conservative” and “fascist left-wing c–k s—–s” (insulting in of itself) in the same paragraph. Exactly who are you addressing?
I would add Alyssa Farah Griffin to the list because she was the “White House Director of Strategic Communications and Assistant to the President in 2020 during the presidency of Donald Trump…” She is even worse because she was a traitor to the Trump presidency. She burned bridges that she’ll never recover from. All she’ll ever have is the deranged left.
For anyone who is interested, the Bible says in the last days people will think what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right. I see othat from dems. Like Sunny Hostin all the time. How can anyone look at what Trump accomplished in four years and compare to Bident’s t non accomplishments, inflation, record border acrossings and how none of the dems dire warnings about Trump came true — and not see how good his leadership and policies are?
Trump will make America great again! Some leftists will finally see the light and some will continue to live in the dark. It’s totally their choice.
Bob Iger has totally destroyed what Walt Disney created. The View is just par for the course for him. He will go down in history as the person who destroyed the dreams of the Happiest Place on earth by bad financial decisions and pedophilia.
After all these years getting away with this. This hour spot on TV is as worthless as a used burrito. It stinks politically the View is past tense. Their new logo is THE PEW. This is still America we have a constitution. The rules are the same for everybody, not illegals.
How can Sunny go insane when she’s already insane?
How would she know?
That is coven of pit vipers. That are all rude, vile, nasty,trashy , vulgar wastes of protoplasm. Who would hire any of them. Disney beat the bushes for the worst scumbags they could find and were finally successful at something. WOKE , DEI is at last dead.
[…] as she is a senior legal correspondent and analyst for ABC News. Hostin’s uncontrolled rants have hurt the program’s viewership. Apparently, Hostin’s contribution to this was clear enough for […]
[…] is a senior legal correspondent and analyst for ABC News. Hostin’s uncontrolled rants have hurt the program’s viewership. Apparently, Hostin’s contribution to this was clear enough […]
The view has no view never did only people who listen to the view are drama queens and they can have them nothing worst then drama queens so if you ask me who are the view again
These witches aren’t worth $1.
I can’t believe Sunny gets paid millions for being toxic and sitting on her a**. The View needs to clean house and get rid of them all or cancel the show all together.
They keep “The View” on the air, as it conveys the demeaning remarks that liberals like to hear. The crap they broadcast every day gets “The View,” a lot of back chatter on other networks. This back chatter is essential to the success of “The View.” Regardless if it makes conservatives mad, it will continue, as that is what makes the show tick, so to speak. Another thing that I see as annoying is the salary these crazy broads make. The world is genuinely upside-down; hopefully, it will right itself with the help of President Donald J. Trump.
As rediculous and out of touch as the cackling hens on the view are, I’m surprised it hasn’t been canceled yet. ABC could fill the time slot with reruns of Gilligan’s Island to get more viewers.
Somebody sue these women into oblivion….. somebody sue the dhow, network, and Disney into nonexistence. These hateful crazy woke shows should all be shut down.
That godawful BLACK ANGUS aint no better either.
For some reason the BLACK ANGUS is supposed to be worth $60 million, makes $8 million a year and says she cant afford to EAT!!
By the looks I’m positive she’s been well FED!!
She should be very worried about her daughter. Not being able to get an attitude to me of her daughter. Is half as insane and worthless as her mother. Then thank God, her daughter is going to be a failure in life. Sunny Holston is probably one of the most racist worthless anti-American fucksteins that ever. Was born, which is actually according to some democrats.She was actually born a butt hole baby out of her dad’s butt hole true story.I heard democrats say it can happen
Ms. Hostin and the other women are past their “expiration date”. They are disgruntled ,most often angry, closed-minded harridans whose opinions provide support for those trapped in an “oppressed woman” ideology. How much better would the show be with some younger, educated, forward looking, women to discuss current cultural and political issues that will impact the future of the nation?
What a bunch of losers, these nasty people should never been hired by ABC’s nut job Bobby Iggger, Walt is surely crying in his grave, for what these nincompoops have done to his once joyful family project.