All democrats are crooked; every last one of them! They have always been that way, but they used to kind of hide their crookedness. Since Obama, they are right in our face with their lying, theft, cheating, and other dirty deeds. How liberals don’t see it is the weird thing. The demons toss them a free bone or two, and then the liberals are fine with it.
I’d suggest Stacey do what other dummycrats are doing, LEAVE THIS COUNTRY! There’s plenty of fraud to be had in the “mother land.”
All democrats are crooked; every last one of them! They have always been that way, but they used to kind of hide their crookedness. Since Obama, they are right in our face with their lying, theft, cheating, and other dirty deeds. How liberals don’t see it is the weird thing. The demons toss them a free bone or two, and then the liberals are fine with it.