Scott Jennings goes nuclear on CNN panelist for baseless attacks



This clip proves that everyone on this CNN panel , except Pete Jennings, is a DEI hire…

Hegseth is better qualified for being Secretary of Defense than she is to be on TV…


  1. They are all owned by Leftie- ball- lickers. Disney owns ABC, Paramount owns CBS, Universal owns NBC. Wake up!!! They are entertainment, NOT NEWS, they play to the crowd that they entertain ( indoctrinate) and one hand washes the other. The bottom line is to make money, keep making money, and if that takes promoting a black, gay, bald Fairy God -Mother in Cinderella to innocent children, then they will do it. They would sell their own mother, sister, daughter to put an extra dime in their pockets. America has been drinking the Kool Aide for decades. We sit there numb and complacent while TV commercials praise, adulate the HIV infected queers and watch men kiss on prime-time TV and promote live with AIDS as desirable and show us all of the fun they are enjoying……..INDOCTIRNATION,,, This sick rot has infested every phase of life, “HE’s”in women’s sports, bathrooms, locker rooms, prisons. Jews being attacked, prevented from attending classes they paid for. Bat-shit crazy junkies throwing commuters onto subway tracks? Hamas attending our colleges and yelling “Death to America”.. destroying the campus, so called teachers telling our 6-year-olds they need hormones to change gender? Riots allowed and even promoted by that Howdy-Doody ass hole, Tim Walz from Minnesota, whose wife said that during the riots they opened the windows to enjoy the odor of burning tires!!!!! WTF?, The morons in MN allowed and enjoyed their cities being destroyed. Are we going insane? WE sit there with our thumbs up our asses??? IS this what our Great-grandfathers, Grandfathers, fathers went to Europe, Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan to hand off to the future?? We have become the laughingstock to the world. Not the softie, sucky British or Canadians, but to those who are already coming for us. They are gathering like a pack of hyenas, smelling the rot, the sickness of a dying Lion… We are that Lion. Too stupid to save ourselves while we still have some ability left. They are relinquishing their sovereignty and have been for years to those who will enter from the East and Africa. We to ALL of them , via the open borders to the south and the north. IDIOTS, WE ARE!!!


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