Rosie O’Donnell PANICS and FLEES Hollywood After CRAZY TWIST!



She asks for others to stand up and fight while she runs to another country? How disgusting can she be?

Rats jumping ship


  1. I’ll help you and every other lib. marxist pack!
    PS—look up the real definitions of what a marxist is so you know… was Joe and the Dems….

  2. I’m loving your tears. Rosie, this is the first time you’ve made me happy. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and stay gone.

  3. Thats a RAT? I thought it was a trans-pig…. Don’t let the gate from the pigsty hit you in the ass…. OINK OINK. Ireland is going to stink like a barnyard. They just got rid of that man Ellen Degenerate and now you show up, just in time for St Pats day? WOW,,, they will be pouring “Roundup” weed killer on their shamrocks, as it looks like their luck is running out.

  4. Rosie O’Donnell is one of those self-important azzzholes that think Trump actually thinks about her. At best Trump talks about her to poke fun of her because she’s only good for comic relief. Here’s a little hint Rosie….NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU! NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU SAY & NONODY CARES WHAT YOU DO!!!…YOU ARE INSIGNIFICANT!!

    • In the event the Epstein files list O’Donnell (it does), hopefully Ireland will honor extradition orders so she can stand trial here for crimes against children. All of the Epstein and Diddy perverts need to stand trial, be convicted, sentenced and then spend the rest of their miserable lives in Gitmo. I bet there’s even more incriminating evidence against them in other files/tapes in Hollywood that will come out once the Epstein/Diddy files are released. Their massive sexual perversions will finally come to light and hopefully justice for the children will prevail.

    • I can only think of 2 movies the fat fag was in and in both she was just a supporting actress. Rosie has never been a big star. Then she made commercials, with Penny Marshall, for K-Mart which led to the store chain’s demise. Then there was that talk show which was constant mindless rants. That fat fag hog is only a star in her warped mind.

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