Holy SH*T! Trump is REALLY serious about eliminating Income Tax



Property tax is a crime that prices people out of there homes.

Stop taxing social security! We’ve already paid tax to earn it!!


  1. Social Security should never have been taxed. This is money that was STOLEN from our paychecks and we were FORCED to invest it into the government, a useless investment. Might have been different if we could’ve at least had a choice of how our Social Security was to be invested. G.W. Bush had the right idea and the dummycrats fought him tooth and nail over that. The dummycrats used the excuse it would hurt FDR’s legacy, like they really cared. The real reason is that the dummycrats want to continue to rob the Social Security department like they’ve been doing since that pile of shit called LBJ was president.

  2. IRS was suppose to stop after WW1, but, the democratic party wants more money to waste and line their pockets. End the IRS

    • Dummycrat FDR started the IRS back up during the Great Depression. Talk about stupid timing. That’s part of the reason it took 10 years to recover from the Great Depression and if it wasn’t for WW2, we’d STILL be in the Great Depression.

  3. Same thing with phone calls. Pay phone calls were a nickel before WWll. An extra nickel was assessed on phone calls to support the war effort. It was never removed after the war! Same thing with the Benjamin Franklin Bridge from Phila. to Camden, N.J. The $0.25 toll was to be eliminated after the cost to build the bridge was realized! But alas, just like most things, once the politicians see the money, they don’t ever want to give it up!

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