Hollywood Morons Flip Out as We Deport Illegal Alien Gang Bangers



We didn’t vote for a judge, we voted for Donald Trump !

Interesting how quickly they “deported” these poor migrants from Martha’s Vineyard. Just not in THEIR neighborhood….


  1. The Hollywood morons could have let the gangbangers stay at their house. The ones that moved out of the country could’ve taken the gangbangers with them. It’s easy to have all kinds a sympathy for a bunch of worthless shit called people when you don’t have to deal with them while living in your gated little world.

    • “Not in my backyard”. Ditto with the elite politicians. “Do as I say, not as I do.” How do you spell HYPOCRITES? D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T-S.

    • These are the same dimwits who can’t change their own flat tire or fill their own gas tanks. They think they are smart enough to lecture us about things they have no CLUE about.

      It’s good they stay in Pedowood and don’t pollute America with their presence.

  2. Pedowood’s parrots who can’t change a flat tire or even pump their own gas have no business lecturing anybody about anything. Why they are mentioned on this site is WAY beyond me.

  3. President Trump is doing the right thing; he’s deporting the worthless shit. These moron gangbangers are SO bad, Nicky Maduro doesn’t want them back in Venezuela. What does that tell us?

  4. Mia Farrow a mindless idiot, Ruffalo moron. st of Hollyweed should be on the next flight. Does Mia know who her sons daddy is?Cleann up your own hose Miss Mouse. Any of these Hollyweed drunks, addicts, pedophiles , adulterers, need to all GO BROKE. NO ONE IS WATCHING THEIR woke B.S. movies, the studios are begging people to go to the movies. Send every man, woman and child here illegally back to their homeland. Meantime move them into the homes of these ahole actors.

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