But wait a minute, I thought that anyone questioning the election results was a βthreat to democracyβ and an βinsurrectionistβ? What changed?
Do they even know what Starlink is? They can’t even define what a woman is.
Prove it, liberal garbage. The proof is out there that the 2020 election was stolen. Once again, when a stupid pile of shit dummycrat loses it was stolen from them, just like what happened in 2000 and again in 2016. But if they win, then is an “honest” election but they refuse to release all information proving that. If a dummycrat ever wins, you can bet it was a DISHONEST election.
Glad President Trump won ,now we can breathe, stop holding our breath, everytime we go to grogery store.
We still need to hold our breath until Trump is inaugurated in January. Do not trust the Dems between now and then (or even after). Remember 2016? Remember all of the crap that they put him through his entire presidency? God Bless Trump & family, Vance & family, the cabinet members and staff and families. Keep them safe! God Bless America!!
Here’s to America’s future!
The people Republican and democrats came and voted their hearts and minds. We are going to have a President in the Whitehouse who knows how to get things done, starting with putting his cabinet together, no DC cronies. I don’t expect President Trump to perform miracles, but he will once again get our country on the right track.
would this be considered election-denying?
Oh, but you don’t understand. It’s always “good for thee but not for me” if you’re a Dem. The rules are different.
For the past 30 years the Democrats have done Nothing but Accuse Everyone Of EVERYTHING THEY ARE DOING, NOT ANY MORE, Mr. Lincoln Had It Right :” You can fool all of the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all of the time, but yo can’t fool all the people all of the time, ” I would say one more thing to the Democrats, ‘You lying phony traitors to america, You Will Never Fool Anyone Ever Again.’
I wish that were true but unfortunately there are many that still get fooled again and again. It’s “Please don’t throw me in the briar patch!” and it works every time.
Too bad Lincoln didn’t execute all demonrats after the Civil War which cost 800,000+ lives. As the party of slavery, they started it along with founding the kkk. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Sorry whiners…..
“THE POPULAR VOTE” put Trump in the White House.
The Electoral College put Trump in the White House.
Blacks, Latinos, Asians, and tax payers put Trump into the White House.
Parents who paid for their kid’s college put Trump into the White House.
People who are paying half their salaries to feed their families put Trump into the White House.
People who don’t shave their heads, blubber, threaten to leave the country or scream at the sky when they lose, put Trump into the White House.
“Elections have consequences”
Too bad libturds. According to the courts, you have no standing. You can’t bring the case before a judge. Maybe, Musk will sue you for defamation. Didn’t you jackasses tell us to “just accept” the results in 2020? Right back at ya. STFU.
But where are all those votes Bribem got the last time? Did those machines jam-up, run out of ink? Or did those people just die? No, I bet they did what we hope Hollywood will do what they promised: Move to Canada. And take βThe View, Cofee Joe and Mika, Joy Reid, Whoppee, Joy Brayhard, the MSCNBC/CNN crowd with themβ.
What about Reched Madouche?
They should make her walk the plank off the top of the Washington Monument. Charge for parking, admission for the jump, and burgers n beer. Proceeds to go back to transportation for cramming illegal invaders into box-cars headed south.
WOWsy WOW I AM SO Really very excited π and Very excited to share the news That The MUSKY is going to be The NeXT SAINT of the Republican Party π
So excited to share this news NEWS π° on His Party and His SAINTHOOD in TRUMPETERβs Party for the USA Autocracy Party πππβ ππ°π₯
Du-bag, is that the best you can do..uche?
Good Luck with that misinformation toots.
These temper tantrums are the result of years of getting ‘participation trophies’ for just showing up. Entitled spoiled brats. They have never been told ‘No’. Nana…Nana…Boo…Boo!