DOZENS of Celebrities JUST FELL Into Trump’s INSANE TRAP – Hollywood PANICS!



Shut up, silly celebrities!

Just because theyre good actors doesnt mean theyre good people


  1. Yes, the word ACTOR should say it all. Someone tells them what to say, how to act, and all the things they need to know to perform. I can see no reason to give a s++t about what they think.

  2. Those actors are guilty of Sedition. They all think they can overthrow a duly elected sitting President. They think their words are the only way for all of us to follow them. They don’t realize how they hurt their fans, hurt America and how they will soon all be arrested for their crimes in the child trafficking business they so willingly got involved in. I sure won’t miss any of them.

  3. Self-important, over inflated egos who have done NOTHING for society. They have not helped the sick, the poor, the insane. They are in it to be looked at , admired, adulated for doing NOTHING for society. What would happen in actors and Hollywood went away right NOW? NOTHING. but what would happen if the same happen if linemen, firemen, nurses, garbage men, auto mechanics, clerks in stores, cleaning staff in buildings, cooks, laundry workers, carpenters? The society would crumble. But these ass holes have no concept of how disposable and unimportant they really are. They are piles of overpaid shit, who, in the grand scheme of things contribute NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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