Why are they yelling at him? Lol Why are democrats so offended all the time and NOT open to others opinions or common sense? Lol smh

Never voting democrat ever again MAGA forever


  1. Warner gets an answer from Kennedy, but doesn’t like it so he just keeps asking it, and doesn’t address the issue Kennedy brought to him about how many employees Biden changed….Dems just waste time, money, and common sense. Dems hate Americans and RFK, now that he is in Trumps’ cabinet…. Guess RFK is a deplorable along with real Americans now.. Welcome, Robert.

  2. It was comical to watch. For decades dummycrats held up JFK and RFK as icons of the party, mostly because they were shot. Now the dummycrats hate RFKjr just because he wants our food and drugs more safe for the human body as is willing to achieve that working for the Trump administration. The fake Indian really lost it, so badly she almost turned white. But wait, it was found out years ago she really was white and not American Indian at all. Guess RFKjr brought out Lizzy Warren’s true color. I always felt that the democrat party died on November 22, 1963 and has morphed into the Marxist dummycrat party. Just a matter of time before the dummycrats boot out FDR and Harry S. Truman from the party.

  3. Democrats could care less about the American people they only care about the American people’s Taxes Dollars so they can get rich.

  4. These televised Congressional hearings are very important for Americans to watch. They show in real time just how corrupt some in Congress have become. Pointed questions and holding nominees accountable for their past actions are important to vet them for their intended positions, but when Committee members resort to grandstanding and shouting nonsensical, false accusations to impune their character exposes their pre-conceived bias towards that particular nominee. You can tell which Senators are bought and paid for by special interests groups.

  5. Most of these democrats took their five minutes to make a speech and of course RFK had no time to answer. I think he should have had five minutes to respond.

  6. Warren that lying , disgusting old POS has gotten HUGE kickbacks from Big Pharma. She is a disgrace to our Government, her state and her family. I guess there are all kinds of Prostituting yourself, and she has made a career of it. The one and only thing she does halfway well. She has made 5.2 million from big Pharma, maybe that should be investigated. She did make a complete ass of herself yesterday while screaming at RFK. The Demorats are eating their own, and he once was one of them. . Now he is their enemy. He should count himself blessed for that .They are putrid.

    • It’s so obvious and yet there is nobody to hit the gavel when the vomit pours out of her mouth. It’s like a horror show with no good ending. Repulsive and blasphemous. I wonder how much money is enough to give up decency and decorum. Side note, she could’ve worn the feather in her ear, she didn’t have to go so far as to pay an American Native woman to stand right in the camera’s view. How foolish is she? A liar is a liar. We can look right at her and know that she has no traits whatsoever. I have no respect for anyone who lies about their heritage to promote themselves. I am a descendant of the Cherokee from Cherokee Hills NC and I wouldn’t want to conjure bad spirits from beyond. That’s just me.

  7. I am in awe of the candid responses from RFK Jr. and am disappointed in the elected officials who do not uphold the law. They give personal feedback more of the time than a pointed question. They have a pure disdain for him when he asks for clarification because their preface to a genuine question is overshadowed to manipulate others. The woke democrats are an evil and sinister group of mafia-like statute. Asking RFK Jr. if he may fire many employees in the health department is absurd. The Democratic Party is running on fear and it’s high time that whether or not a person is considering themselves of either party that we manage For The People. Trump gained millions of votes by running a campaign to be inclusive. I see uniformity, dedication, being pro-active, and assigning those individuals who want what is morally and ethically sound. I hear RFK Jr. give detailed and intelligent responses with a clear tonality and a far better respect than what is thrown at him. Let’s pray that our mission statement is to bring back health and wellness. Our future is our youth. Our youth are not being treated with kindness or guidance. Our country suffers from the worst report card for health in the world. It is so heartbreaking to watch money hungry democrats defend Big Pharm in favor of helping our nation become healthier and have a better quality of life. I can only pray for the best outcome. Pray together with me that RFK Jr. is nominated to office. God Bless All of Us

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