Bernie Sanders SNAPS and WALKS Out of ABC Interview Yesterday Over AOC Question…..



*Hello All!!! I am still completely clueless about why Bernie Sanders was so pissed of over that question. Strange old man!!!*

These wealthy marxists are so temperamental, remember the marxist motto: ‘Whats your’s is mine and what’s mine is mine’.


  1. AOC is a newcomer. Look at Bernie’s accomplishments, honeymooned in the USSR, they ran a small college in Vermont and bankrupted it while they walked away as millionaires, were bought off in the 2016 dummycrat primary by the Clintons and were given a house worth millions of dollars. AOC hasn’t done any of those things and yet she gets more attention than Bernie. It’s called jealousy.

    • does ANYONE out there in socialist Amerika, believe that all of this corrupt, illegal, tax funded criminal activity would be happening today IF we were still a republic? The yankees that were making MUCH money, bringing slaves here from Africa, by selling them in the South AND the north, were told they couldn’t do that anymore, were going to blame the South for the change in policy? Then deny Southerners the ability to separate from the hypocrites in the north? THAT is when the control freaks got their foothold on this once great country. IF you can’t leave or separate from those that abuse you, YOU AIN’T free. Death to Tyrants

      • SOS stuck on stupid. the DIMs were burning the flag B 4 the election in 2020. They carried it in a parade, the very next weekend. Now doing the same with Tesla? you are ALL morons. Would be better to use you for compost or hanging up, by a rope, like any other common thief. picture that! would be wonderful

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