I stopped caring what Hollyweird, sycophantic, elitists, think, years ago. He can disappear quietly into the night like Madonna did. Same with Gaga (sorry, but she isn’t a “Lady”). Same with braindead Robert De Niro.
Whoever you are doing this video are the one with half of brain even if you have that much. This video is an absolutely an insult to the American people. Musk wasn’t elected to anything, he just paid a heavy ransom to get Trump elected, now Trump’s payback is ludicrous. These two are nothing but evil and I pray that all Americans wake up before they completely destroy this United States of America as we once knew it.
But YOU are a true follower of shitpants Joe. Shitpants Joe wasn’t elected either, he STOLE the election! The more insulted you are, the more I like it. And the only thing YOU pray to is Lucifer.
THANK GOD FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP, HIS GREAT PICS FOR EVERY CABINET POSITION AND THE GREAT ELON MUSK! They will save this country and bring the USA back on track instead of the collision course the “President in Cognito, Kenyan” had us in while Biden and family were involved in a “treason for cash” deal.
Am so glad to see the left loosing ground at great speed. When the Demonrat Party admits the CCP took them over when McGovern ran and that they are not allowed in the USA per 1954 Marxists are the enemy law, then we have truth and justice in the Great USA. MAGA- dump DEMONrats
Bens a loser, has been, will always be. Not even funny
Ben, you need to be Stiller than you have been lately.
I stopped caring what Hollyweird, sycophantic, elitists, think, years ago. He can disappear quietly into the night like Madonna did. Same with Gaga (sorry, but she isn’t a “Lady”). Same with braindead Robert De Niro.
Dems, libs, deviants all protest the man but not one of them defends the corruption he has revealed.
BOOM! Post of the week!
Musk needs to take his stupid ass to court.
Elon Musk…tech. savvy entrepreneur, X owner, Car mogul, Space X and now, the new sheriff watching over our hard earned tax dollars.
Ben Stillted… Pedowood’s sometimes employed, favorite parrot.
Hes just a PUNK BITCH
Whoever you are doing this video are the one with half of brain even if you have that much. This video is an absolutely an insult to the American people. Musk wasn’t elected to anything, he just paid a heavy ransom to get Trump elected, now Trump’s payback is ludicrous. These two are nothing but evil and I pray that all Americans wake up before they completely destroy this United States of America as we once knew it.
But YOU are a true follower of shitpants Joe. Shitpants Joe wasn’t elected either, he STOLE the election! The more insulted you are, the more I like it. And the only thing YOU pray to is Lucifer.
THANK GOD FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP, HIS GREAT PICS FOR EVERY CABINET POSITION AND THE GREAT ELON MUSK! They will save this country and bring the USA back on track instead of the collision course the “President in Cognito, Kenyan” had us in while Biden and family were involved in a “treason for cash” deal.
Am so glad to see the left loosing ground at great speed. When the Demonrat Party admits the CCP took them over when McGovern ran and that they are not allowed in the USA per 1954 Marxists are the enemy law, then we have truth and justice in the Great USA. MAGA- dump DEMONrats
Stiller is a libturd, moron. Nothing good comes out of his mouth.
More of a kook than I thought he was