Assassin Caught On Video Taking Out Insurance CEO



Police have said their hands are tied as the assailant was “Out-of-Network”

That was Hunter, he got a pardon so he’s taking out all of his enemies.


  1. Sub sonic rounds help to lower the decibel level of the weapons report. If the sub sonic rounds have a seriously reduced powder charge many time there’s not enough pressure to chamber the next round. This is basic knowledge in the firearms realm.

  2. Heard they now have a full picture of the assassin’s face. Sounds like he was made because United Healthcare didn’t pay a claim. Won’t know for sure until he’s caught.

  3. I do not actually feel very sorry for the CEO or their family. For 50 years I have heard that the CEO is responsible for the whole company. That is why they make the big bucks.

    Think of the thousands of people who have died due to poor healthcare from united health care and their 6 minutes per visit doctor appointments. Think of all the lab tests not done as a way to save money.

    The CEO is responsible for a lot of deaths.

    • I had never heard of United Health Care until just recently. I had considered changing my health care from Humana to United Health Care because of a sales pitch a few weeks ago. Humana co-pay is going up slightly and some of the meds are also going up. The comparison of out-of-pocket wasn’t very significant. I have never had any problem with Humana authorizing treatment and paying the claims. Their Centerwell Pharmacy through the mail is great. I have had Humana for 4 years and, for the most part, I’m pretty satisfied. I have read about UHC not paying claims, which I thought was odd because Humana has to pre-authorize treatment other than routine visits so there’s no guesswork. I need health coverage that I can rely on and not have any surprises. I’m now convinced to stick with what I’ve got. I also don’t have a premium to pay. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” I probably would not have known about any of UHC’s claim problems if not for the unfortunate tragic murder of its CEO, Brian Thompson, may he rest in peace and God Bless his wife and children.

      • I’ve had United Healthcare at two different former employers and I didn’t think it was worth a shit. I had Blue Cross at one employer and all I had to do is show my card to whatever medical clinic I had to go to and there were no questions asked about payment. Sure wasn’t like that with United Healthcare when I changed jobs. I had to pay the co-pay right up front and some even wanted me to pay the full bill then get my money back from United Healthcare. When a was choosing plans for Medicare, I avoided any United Healthcare plan like the plague.

  4. I had United Healthcare years ago and my doctor gave me a prescription and the co pay was $96.00 for it. I asked Rite Aid how much it would be if I didn’t use my Insurance and the cost was $12.00, so that is what I paid, then quit United Healthcare and went with SCAN and I love it!!

  5. I think showing the CEO being shot is in very poor taste. He has a family that should never have to see that. I wish News people could have compassion for victims and ask themselves if they would put their own families through such pain. To me it is heartless!!!


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