Barry was one of our worst presidents. I wish the Obummers would just shut up and disappear from public view. What scares me is, Barry’s bitch possibly running for el presidente.
They will remain friends, but separated. They all made their money from Nancy’s insider trading yet Martha Stewart went to celebrity prison. It’s all in the name.
Who cares #1 and #2 they are going to be the Martha Stewart of everything (no disrespect to Martha). Sorry but your opinion on anything is at best a joke .
Lauched a podcast with her (his) brother. Keep in it all in the family like the diaper head from Minnesota.
Barry was one of our worst presidents. I wish the Obummers would just shut up and disappear from public view. What scares me is, Barry’s bitch possibly running for el presidente.
Totally scripted Michelle and brother. Nothing real.
They will remain friends, but separated. They all made their money from Nancy’s insider trading yet Martha Stewart went to celebrity prison. It’s all in the name.
Who cares #1 and #2 they are going to be the Martha Stewart of everything (no disrespect to Martha). Sorry but your opinion on anything is at best a joke .