Zelenskyy’s Team in SHAMBLES After Microphone Caught His Words.



Editor made a mistake around the 7min mark and put a clip of Byron Donalds instead of Lindsey Graham. Usually I catch these things, but I didn’t this time. I cut it the Byron take out, here’s the Lindsey Graham clip I was referring to: https://x.com/WallStreetMav/status/1895571311923204115/video/1. Sorry about that!

Trump is doing exactly what the majority voted for.


  1. Don’t agree. Trump came off as an A-hole. Not surprising, either. He is a bully and it is clear he is selling out Zelensky in favor of a war criminal.

    • Marsha, you sound like an uninformed liberal nut job, who does not have the mental capacity to understand what is truly going on here.

      You are clueless, single and probably will also be single.

      Men do not marry stupid women.

    • seriously, Marsha? You are siding with war and more tax dollars to Ukraine and more killing of Ukrainians and Russians over peace? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? dems have this typical Trump derangement syndrome over intelligence! Instead give credit where credit is due and let Trump know he’s doing a Great job for America and for Ukraine…I’m sure soon Zelensky will come back on his knees when he sees Europe has nothing to offer but more hot air, just like the American democrats, LOSERS

    • And Marsha is the DUMBASS of the day !
      Hey Marsha Marsha Marsha,
      give them all of your tax dollars. You obviously dont need it.

      What a DUMBASS

    • Zelenskyy was told what to say. He wants our country to get sucked into his war with Putin where our soldiers die for a corrupt president. Trump wants peace! What’s the real reason Biden gave Zelenskyy billions of taxpayer money? To keep his mouth shut. Why should we fund an endless war that’s going nowhere for greed? Trump showed us the real Zelenskyy.

    • President Trump is NOT the bully and he is NOT the a**hole. He is a master at the art of the deal. Open up your own pocketbook if you believe in endless wars and get all your buddies to contribute also. I, for one, want to keep my money. Trump did what was needed to be done in that meeting. There was a verbal agreement for the US to be able to tap into 50% of Ukraine’s mineral resources as repayment for the monies and arms already given to him. During the meeting, Zelensky wouldn’t agree until we gave more security and even more money. That was NOT the deal. He broke the deal and was totally disrespectful in the process to the President Trump and VP Vance. Even his ambassador was embarrassed. How much more money do you think the US should continue to fork out for this go-nowhere war? Zelensky had no right to make demands when he was definitely at the disadvantage. That’s what you get when you have a comedian turned president. You watch the never-ending lying liberal “news” and listen to your corrupt politicians to get your misinformation and then spew your liberal hatred on a conservative site. President Trump is trying to end the war, Putin is willing to talk (no guarantee, but it’s a start) and Zelensky is trying to keep the flame going and continue to pocket American money from our endless piggy bank. Now Zelensky is claiming he didn’t get most of the money, so where did it go? Why are no other countries contributing like the U.S.? You need to be re-educated on the real events from real news stations and resources. All the libs can do is bitch about it. What exactly is your suggestion for a reasonable outcome and end to this senseless war? We’re waiting…

  2. Marsha, Zelensky NEEDS to be bullied. He doesn’t want a cease fire. Trump was correct to kick the little turd out of the WH. Zelensky is the war criminal. He canceled elections because of the war. Now he’s a dictator. He doesn’t want the war to end because when it does, he’ll get voted out of office. How long will this war go on? 5 years, 10 years? Ukraine is of no importance to us. Let’s cut our losses. No more money and no more weapons. Let Europe fund Zelensky’s war.

  3. Zelensky wants American boots on the ground, he wants NATO membership and he wants to take back Crimea. None of this is gonna happen. Piss on Zelensky.

  4. He not only disrespected the president and the vice president. He also disrespected the people of the United States. No more money to Ukraine.

  5. What we didn’t know is that Zelinsky had a meeting with Obama’s team prior to this “signing ceremony” – A group of democrat haters who TOLD VZ to reject the offer and NOT to sign the agreement. 40 minutes later he shows up in the Oval and pisses all over the deal. He did what he was told. He IS still a puppet of the Obama/BIden Mafia. He obeys, so yes, DHT did look like a bullying dick, but…. it’s WHAT we didn’t know that should be showcased. HE shit on the entire deal in deference to the Left Wing backstabbing sore losers. They sabotaged this entire Deal, and in the process got the plus of pissing off Trump and Vance and made them look worse than they actually were. NOW WE KNOW… MARSHA, look up Murphy of Connecticut who set this whole ambush up. Its online. Inform yourself. It made me do a second take until I heard what bullshit game Zelinsky is playing to favor the Dems.

  6. Why don’t Europe steps up Zelensky doesn’t want this War to stop it sounds like he doesn’t care about his own people President Trump is right.

  7. Zelensky hates Trump. Prior to the election, Zelensky went to PA to campaign for cackling Kammy. Zelensky is in bed with the Democraps. He’s a douchebag. If he had a brain, he’d realize that the Republicans hold all the cards now. He either deals with Trump, or he goes back to Ukraine, hides under a rock and hopes the Russians don’t find him.

  8. Fuck Ukraine !!!!
    And the rest of the world. They can all KISS MY AMERICAN ASS!!!!

    No more money to any country

  9. Hey Marsha Marsha Marsha
    Look up 2014 coup of Ukraines duly elected government. Obama had us pay for that too.
    That’s why VZ is there now.
    Quit being an IDIOT

  10. This is a job for the European NATO countries. They gave loans to Ukraine. The US gave grants. We pay our NATO obligations, they do not.
    They are within conventional weapons range, we are not. If Putin extends the Russian border any further west, the Germans will be speaking Russian. Trump is doing what any good dad or mom or leader or businessman would do. That is to conserve your wealth for your own. If Ukraine has something beneath the rubble that we need, like minerals, then we can barter or buy them.


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