DemocRATS and Liberals are funny people. Whenever they can’t think of anything to say about Trump, they falsely label him as a Fascist but I don’t even believe they know what that is.
My God. I can’t wait until she slinks back to Commiefornia. Anything, to never hear hear whining voice and hyena laugh again. Not to mention her lies, lies and more lies. Don’t forget her divisive rhetoric. Always mud slinging. Trump should sue her into bankruptcy, for her slanderous words. Go home Kacklea. Enjoy your free time with your hubby. Just don’t make him mad and keep him away from nannies.
LOL!!! Every time this stupid slut bitch goes in for an interview she screws up, royally! Even on the dummycrat controlled media outlets with the interviewer trying to help her through the questions to the point of damn near giving her the answers. She is the most empty-headed stupidest bitch I’ve ever seen. Sore Throat Kamala should get a job as a regular on The View. Then she’d be with her own kind.
Her message is to redirect any question to vilify Trump rather than take responsibility for the answer if truthful and coherent. I wonder if the 2024 Colorado voter fraud will disclose who was responsible for the 2020 Colorado voter fraud? I also wonder in what capacity the UK volunteers will be contributing to the Kamala Campaign? I wonder if their hackers had to be closer to the voting machines and if they audit access to them daily?
The problem for traitor Trump is that he tried to overturn the election and the will of the people. That’s what Commie dictators do. Most countries have the death sentence for treason. Also, trying to control what women do with their bodies has lost him millions of votes.
Maybe you should read that law that sent Pence to the Capitol that day. It’s not just a ceremony! President Trump was going by the law. But now we hear about a Chinese non-citizen that just voted. The person was caught and admitted being illegal, but that vote must still be counted? What’s up that this illegal vote isn’t scratched? So I guess it really doesn’t matter, and this ordeal Pence confirmed is just a waste of time. And look at the rigging but the FB-Lie and those 52 corrupted Intel Analysts that signed an official government letterhead saying Hunter’s laptop was Russian infected, when the FB-Lie knew in March 2020 the laptop was 100% legit. And why did they get Zuckerberg and other media to go with the lie? As Mark Levin said: Where are the orders to surrender Security Clearances and charges for felonies: A coup d’Etat for federal employees rigging a U.S. Presidential Election?
Deflect, deflect, deflect, that’s the only smart thing she can do. Some have the nerve to call Trump a traitor and a Commie dictator but overlook Nancy Pelosi who admitted she staged the insurrection! Any one against abortion don’t care what a woman does to her body, but we do care about her defending the life within her body. She and the Dr. including his staff of murder’s should be charged accordingly for their crimes. Any man defending them are shameless shells of a man without a backbone!
Your dementia is as bad as Trump’s! So Nancy got the proud boys to do an insurrection to keep Biden from getting elected? It’s time to face your mental illness, because that’s the dumbest thing anyone has ever said! The second dumbest is you saying you don’t care what a woman does to her body, just what’s part of her body. You are one retarded moron.
Seriously, Trump is no Hitler, just a wannabe dictator like Hitler or Putin or Kim Yung Un. He’s far too stupid to organize anything properly. A failed businessman with 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses who has to sell Chinese trinkets to supplement his income. His present failed attempts are Trump Media, bibles, watches, trading cards, clown shoes and crypto. LOL!! If his father hadn’t left him billions of dollars of NYC real estate that soared in value, he would be just another broke-ass bitch working at McDonalds. Oops wait! They don’t hire felons convicted of sexual assault.
Did you hear yourself? I can tell you are much more wealthier than President Trump, and being a businessman yourself, would never follow the legal business bankruptcy laws if you had a multi-billion dollar industry? Kamala is so much more intelligent. A country with a 39T debt and she and her buddies believe we should bring millions of illegal invaders here to help spend the tax-dollars our citizens have paid. And let’s bring in 113,799 rapists and murderers to help out! I’m sure you will volunteer on a detail to help get rid of the scum looking for freebies from our country when President Trump ask’s for volunteers?
DemocRATS and Liberals are funny people. Whenever they can’t think of anything to say about Trump, they falsely label him as a Fascist but I don’t even believe they know what that is.
My God. I can’t wait until she slinks back to Commiefornia. Anything, to never hear hear whining voice and hyena laugh again. Not to mention her lies, lies and more lies. Don’t forget her divisive rhetoric. Always mud slinging. Trump should sue her into bankruptcy, for her slanderous words. Go home Kacklea. Enjoy your free time with your hubby. Just don’t make him mad and keep him away from nannies.
LOL!!! Every time this stupid slut bitch goes in for an interview she screws up, royally! Even on the dummycrat controlled media outlets with the interviewer trying to help her through the questions to the point of damn near giving her the answers. She is the most empty-headed stupidest bitch I’ve ever seen. Sore Throat Kamala should get a job as a regular on The View. Then she’d be with her own kind.
Her message is to redirect any question to vilify Trump rather than take responsibility for the answer if truthful and coherent. I wonder if the 2024 Colorado voter fraud will disclose who was responsible for the 2020 Colorado voter fraud? I also wonder in what capacity the UK volunteers will be contributing to the Kamala Campaign? I wonder if their hackers had to be closer to the voting machines and if they audit access to them daily?
The problem for traitor Trump is that he tried to overturn the election and the will of the people. That’s what Commie dictators do. Most countries have the death sentence for treason. Also, trying to control what women do with their bodies has lost him millions of votes.
Maybe you should read that law that sent Pence to the Capitol that day. It’s not just a ceremony! President Trump was going by the law. But now we hear about a Chinese non-citizen that just voted. The person was caught and admitted being illegal, but that vote must still be counted? What’s up that this illegal vote isn’t scratched? So I guess it really doesn’t matter, and this ordeal Pence confirmed is just a waste of time. And look at the rigging but the FB-Lie and those 52 corrupted Intel Analysts that signed an official government letterhead saying Hunter’s laptop was Russian infected, when the FB-Lie knew in March 2020 the laptop was 100% legit. And why did they get Zuckerberg and other media to go with the lie? As Mark Levin said: Where are the orders to surrender Security Clearances and charges for felonies: A coup d’Etat for federal employees rigging a U.S. Presidential Election?
Deflect, deflect, deflect, that’s the only smart thing she can do. Some have the nerve to call Trump a traitor and a Commie dictator but overlook Nancy Pelosi who admitted she staged the insurrection! Any one against abortion don’t care what a woman does to her body, but we do care about her defending the life within her body. She and the Dr. including his staff of murder’s should be charged accordingly for their crimes. Any man defending them are shameless shells of a man without a backbone!
Your dementia is as bad as Trump’s! So Nancy got the proud boys to do an insurrection to keep Biden from getting elected? It’s time to face your mental illness, because that’s the dumbest thing anyone has ever said! The second dumbest is you saying you don’t care what a woman does to her body, just what’s part of her body. You are one retarded moron.
Seriously, Trump is no Hitler, just a wannabe dictator like Hitler or Putin or Kim Yung Un. He’s far too stupid to organize anything properly. A failed businessman with 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses who has to sell Chinese trinkets to supplement his income. His present failed attempts are Trump Media, bibles, watches, trading cards, clown shoes and crypto. LOL!! If his father hadn’t left him billions of dollars of NYC real estate that soared in value, he would be just another broke-ass bitch working at McDonalds. Oops wait! They don’t hire felons convicted of sexual assault.
Did you hear yourself? I can tell you are much more wealthier than President Trump, and being a businessman yourself, would never follow the legal business bankruptcy laws if you had a multi-billion dollar industry? Kamala is so much more intelligent. A country with a 39T debt and she and her buddies believe we should bring millions of illegal invaders here to help spend the tax-dollars our citizens have paid. And let’s bring in 113,799 rapists and murderers to help out! I’m sure you will volunteer on a detail to help get rid of the scum looking for freebies from our country when President Trump ask’s for volunteers?