Woke SoyBoy Harry Sisson Just COMPLETELY Embarrassed Himself



I swear that kid’s chin grows every time he lies.

They always say “Trump lied” but they never, ever provide an example


  1. Trump lies. The Biden/Harris Administration lies. Examples; The border is secure. Inflation is not inflation. It’s also transitory. The virus is a virus of the unvaccinated. Electric vehicles are better than fueled vehicles. Climate change is the most important threat. Boys, dressed as girls, can share locker rooms, bathrooms, play in women’s sports. Cannot define a woman. Even years ago Biden was lying. Shows on tape. Many, many, more.

  2. Who is this twelve-year-old? Never heard of him. Has kind of a dorky name. Imagine he is jerked around on the playground because of it. (Hairy sissy) The Democrats standard lie of the Social Security will be reduced/obliterated schtick. I am 79 and every senior has heard that very lie their whole life. and yet, SS is STILL here. (checking my bank records) Every election year I think. “Nah, they won’t pull that lie out of mothballs.” But voila, there is Mr. Mature Hairy regurgitating it. Not even an election year. Must be nothing else he can hang his diaper on.

  3. Where did Harry Sissy come from? Who is he? How can he even have an opinion at his age. He has NO LIFE experience.. He lies, he exaggerates and he speaks based on catch phrases, and buzz words, like all the Dems do. WHO IS THIS TWAT??? And his friend, with his flowing hair, showing us his little shoes. What a cute little boy. Are they gay? Did they get their participation trophies from preschool and now are turned loose on ADULTS.. WHO is this shit head? I’m waiting for him and his little girlfriend to transition. What is his background, other than K-12, and then what..?

  4. ….”worst I’ve ever seen”? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! The boy is about 12 years old, what vast number of speeches has he “ever seen”? Ha! Ha! Ha! The boy has the credibility of a child who can’t tie his shoes….


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