Woke People Really Think Men Can GIVE BIRTH!




  1. Woke people never took true biology please show me in true nature science where an animal male gave birth to anything maybe woke people think they are worms and if they do they need to stay away from birds

  2. So if a biological male thinks it`s a female. Out of what orifice will they produce the child? Until I get a straight answer just like this web page. You can go beep-beep yourselves. You gave no answers here. Why should anyone go into an office alone to hear rhetoric? They brought this out for the American people to hear. Beep-beep isn`t going to do it.

    • RGM l really believe that you should seek an appointment with Senator Byron Donald’s, or Vivek Ramadwany to let them put this WOKE shit to rest, on your and my behalf. The next thing they would say is a bull can give milk.

    • I’ve said this before, stupid is an incurable disease and a person with stage 4 terminal cancer has a better chance of being cured than a person with stupid.

  3. Amusingly, I just read an editorial, from some Senior Editor at “USA Today” claiming that Trump’s election is proof that Americans are stupid and proposing that we need to do something to eliminate the stupidity which supports the MAGA movement and conservative causes generally. And, of course, he holds up, as exemplars of good thinking… the Left and the Democrats and the “Woke” and… Oh, give it a break!!! MAGA-types are stupid? We have people with college degrees (that they want you and me to pay for) claiming that men can get pregnant and have babies (or abortions, I suppose). We have them proposing to cut down 450 acres of trees in order to build a “solar farm” to reduce CO2 (more of which would be eliminated by those trees than would be prevented by a dozen solar farms – and never mind the other environmental catastrophes that project would create). We have lefties claiming that Trump wants to eliminate women’s rights but can’t name a single right which he would tamper with, and they swear their allegiance to Kamala Harris, utterly distraught at her defeat, even tho’ they cannot describe a single policy position of hers, let alone any which would somehow improve or expand women’s rights. These are the same “smart” people who can’t answer the question “in what country is the Great Wall of China” and who think Africa is a country. BUT it’s Republican/MAGA “stupidity” which is the bane of the nation? Really? REALLY? So, yeah, let’s make sure our “education system” works to make us all smart like a Democrat because what this country really needs are our maternity wards full of “pregnant men” who believe that Bidenomics is working.

  4. People in America listens to folks like Senator Byron Donalds and Vivek Ramaswamy. These two guys will tell you that bulls don’t give milk, so to all those WOKE nincompoops out there, please ask Elon to give you all a one way ticket to Mars, on his next rocket ship.


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