WOKE Latinos RAGE Over Black People REFUSING To Help Protest Against Trump Mass Deportations!



Being a liberal looks exhausting.

This is not a race issue, it’s a legal issue .


  1. black people where BORN here
    you latino ILLEGAL immigrants are just that illegal or NOT born here
    and sucking up money and housing and food,

  2. I am happy that Blacks have better sense than Latinos ny refusing to keep on defending a horrible mode called. WOKE. WHICH YOU FOLLOW YOU GO BROKE. Let others wast their time in defending a stupid modality the mayors refuse to followAmen

  3. Newsflash: Blacks are fed up with the migrant invasion, and rightly so. The illegal migrants are getting all the benefits, while the citizens get shit.

  4. If you`re here illegally get the f— out. You need education or a job skill just like at the turn of the 19th century. You aren`t supposed to be a burden to the country. You are supposed to be an asset when coming into America. There will soon be a shutdown of food stamps and welfare. The jobs from big corporations are coming back to the USA. The tariffs and the talk of free and fair trade are working. Everyone is going to have to be responsible for themselves. The free breakfast-lunch-dinner and federal housing is over. If Mexican people stick together then fix your own countries. I hear double talk.

  5. Divide and Conquer, the good old English policy/States to position people of different ethnic heritage to fight each other while the Ruling Elite keep the real power to continue with their policies peopleoodivisions, for people of similar economic conditions and classes fighting each other for the crumbs while their Masters eat the whole whole 🥧 lie and enjoy the power and status and the prestige that comes with it. SO YOU STUPID IGNORANT PEOPLE STOP FIGHTING EACH OTHER AND UNITE TO TAKE BACK THE REAL POWER FROM THE ELITE THAT HAVE BEEN EATING YOUR LUNCHES, AND STEALING YOUR RESOURCES, FOR AS LONG AS TIME IMMEMORIAL. WAKE UP AND STOP FIGHTING FOR THE SCRAPS.

    • How many illegals have you taken into your home? Above zero? It’s your elite Dems that have been stealing from American citizens. It’s all about the illegal votes otherwise even the illegals would be treated as shitty as the American citizens have been under their “leadership”. The Dem. party has been a scourge on society – it’s no longer the party of JFK and hasn’t for many, many years. It’s time to stop drinking the Kool-Aid.

  6. It is about time. It has been long known that Illegal Immigration impacts the lowest class of wage earners.

    Frederick Douglass and Booker T Washington know that restricted immigration policies brought about better economic times for Back wage earners.

    That is history and open borders Jesse and Al failed to learn it to the detriment of Black families.

  7. Anyone, especially those here in MY country illegally, are free to leave anytime that they want. If America is such a bad place, why did they sneak in here illegally? They don’t pay taxes, they use medical services for free, free schooling for their children and use up welfare benefits that could be used for Americans.

  8. Are the woke Latinos mad because even the woke blacks won’t stand with them? At least the woke blacks were born here, even though they hate this country. Maybe if the illegal Latinos would show some effort in trying to make a better life for themselves and go work and raise their children right and not take government money that was meant for the AMERICAN people. What I see is that maybe 1% of all those illegals really come here for a better life. The rest are moochers, crooks, murders, pimps, drug pushers, and rapist. They have no desire to become an American citizen and with them waving the flag of the country they ran away from proves those 99% are all shit.

  9. Go through the process. Would anyone go to another country and wave the flag of the country they came from in protest that the country they are trying to enter is not letting them in illegally? Block the freeways. Tear down the flag of the country they are trying to enter, and put their own flag up? Then cuss out the Police of that country for being biased and unkind? So goes the privileged in the world. Then to lie about Trump for over four years, while also destroying America, with the America last agenda. Those that did that are the privileged. That deserve nothing. Except jail time and fines. Shut the heck up about Democracy and The Constitution. MSNBC, CNN, and the rest of the Mainstream Media, The View, and the Hollywood elites. Trump is trying to do things right. While the phonies are trying to keep their illegal money laundering afloat. Even putting the God of the Universe down. You have opened a can of fire, and God’s Wrath is coming.


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