Everyone knows why this bum got off !!! He was guilty as _ _ _ _!!
Everyone knows it, This is the Biden-Harris liberal world!!
This guy is discussing what he did. Keep voting for these liberals
and be passive and turn you head and look the other way!!
Amazing gets off just before Trump takes over. It’s sicking to see
crap like this happening……he thinks since time has gone by
and keeping a low profile he will worm his way out. No one
should give this loser work in his trade since he did his little
number…….he is one of the reasons justice does not get
served if your what he is!
Glad the woke judge is in Chicago. Wouldn’t want that pile of shit here.
So sick of hearing the word “woke”. Would that we could change that to “DUMB ASS”.
Woke is the new word for dumb ass.
Typical woke ass behavior! That judge is a weirdo just like the rest of the woke pieces if crap!!!
Just go around til you find a Judge that will do what you want . Time to get rid of WOKE Judges.
Everyone knows why this bum got off !!! He was guilty as _ _ _ _!!
Everyone knows it, This is the Biden-Harris liberal world!!
This guy is discussing what he did. Keep voting for these liberals
and be passive and turn you head and look the other way!!
Amazing gets off just before Trump takes over. It’s sicking to see
crap like this happening……he thinks since time has gone by
and keeping a low profile he will worm his way out. No one
should give this loser work in his trade since he did his little
number…….he is one of the reasons justice does not get
served if your what he is!
Comparing Jesse to worms is an insult to worms.
Nothing like admitting your guilt to get out of jail!