Woke Hosts Of The View BREAKDOWN In Tears After Trump Win



I’m not American, but thanks Trump for making the media and lefties cry. It kind of warms my heart.

The View should understand we not only voted for Trump, but also we voted against them! We soundly reject them!


  1. Sunny! Worry more about Global Warming that YOU said was causing earthquakes and eclipses.
    “The View” co-host Sunny Hostin blamed Monday’s solar eclipse, Friday’s earthquake and the expected cicada breeding season on “climate change.”

  2. Hilarious! these crazy, old, hags, cry me a river, lmao the greatest election in history, comeback in American history, with our great president, DJT. He we straighten out the damage that has been done by the last loony administration.

  3. Listen you libturd idiots, you are officially in the minority. DEAL WITH IT! The country would be dead in a year, if we allowed Kacklea to be president. The Spew is inconsequential. Love to see the melt down. After they finish crying, cancel that crappy show.

  4. If you and the devilcrats weren’t calling Trump “a threat to democracy”, “Hitler”, “a fascist”, “a racist” and not calling his supporters “Nazis” and “garbage”, maybe it would have turned out differently. It’s all your own fault, that you lost. The current administration has done more to weaken our country and economically crush the citizens, than any in my 65 years living here. Your policies stink. All you do, is spend taxpayers money foolishly. You offered the worst possible candidate. There was absolutely no reason to vote for more of what we saw the past four years. I don’t understand why they refuse to see what they’ve done to America. The Spew are all hypocrites. They talk about toning down the name calling, when it’s THEM who are calling us names. STOP THE BS.

  5. How could 68 million plus people vote for her? Are they all brainwashed? Do they hate America? What is their problem? Only the rich have not been hurt by the policies of the demoncrats.

    • Keep in mind that out of those 68,000,000 about 60,000,000 came from the many graveyards across this country. Now they’re back in their coffins waiting to be resurrected in 2028. Some of those dead people were saying, “I always voted republican when I was alive. Now I’m a dummycrat just because I’m dead?!!!!!”


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