Looks like “the force” was never with Mark Hamill. Wonder how long he’d last on a forced march with a full combat load? They should’ve found a better actor for the movie The Big Red One instead of this crybaby fake.
So don’t watch President Trump’s inauguration Mark Hamill it’s not like we really care about your opinion. You have had your time in the limelight now you can just shut the hell up and go away! YOU DONT MATTER YOU SUCKIN LIBERAL!
This is quite a way to ruin what’s left of a fading career. These moronic actors fail to realize that the more they open their mouths and become overly political, the harder it is to take on a role without people seeing THEM rather than the character they’re attempting to portray. Kind of defeats the purpose of being an actor when you’re no longer believable. Unfortunately, their huge egos make it nearly impossible to learn this lesson. They assume that whatever fame they’ve achieved somehow makes them more qualified to spout their “expertise” on political issues than the rest of us. Hamill just comes off as a mentally deranged guy who’s badly in need of therapy and/or medication. Only a fool would hire such an unhinged lunatic at this point. He and De Niro should share a room in the Former Actor’s Asylum.
Another Hollyweed has been, insignificant , washed up no body. Obama came sauntering in like anyone cared to the Inauguartion Another has been.. Luke the force “aint’ with you anymore. Shut TFU.
Some of these leftists still ramble on and on. NewsMax, The First News, IMPRIMIS and The Verdict have been exposing this step by step for around four years. Because the Mainstream Media, The View, and the wrong side of Hollywood, the truth was hidden. Unfortunately, hateful, belligerent, immature, liars just want to ruin everyone’s day. Grown babies. I just read an article out of NewsMax Magazine about how kids have melted down since Trump won. Their parents and Social Media destroyed their confidence and ability to use common sense, and examine and research. Public School Boards and Teacher’s Unions have also been destroying common sense for years. Our Education is very expensive, but the curriculum is not making kids smarter. Time to defund the people destroying society. Some of these University President’s and Staff have all the degrees, and big pay checks. Ignore the basics, and think their way is the only way. Wrong. Caring, looking outside the box, and actually trying to benefit someone besides themselves, would go a long way in getting better results. Lower the price. Start adding in Wood Shop Mechanics, Drafting, Cooking, Metal Shop, Electric Shop, Money Management, Leadership Classes. Explain what a good leader does and doesn’t do. How government is supposed to work. Not this bureaucrat and politician nonsense that has been going on for decades. Robbing people so the special interests of these reckless Socialist, Communist, Marxist, Globalists, elites comes first. Then lying about it. God over the devil. Good over evil. Pray in Jesus Name. Get Baptized. Then God will give the Holy Spirit for understanding. Not all Religions and Darwanism are right. All think they are. Do not let the devil take your Salvation.
Looks like “the force” was never with Mark Hamill. Wonder how long he’d last on a forced march with a full combat load? They should’ve found a better actor for the movie The Big Red One instead of this crybaby fake.
This guy is chewing on his light saver. Luke the farce is now with you.
What is this guy’s claim to fame other than being a leftist loonie?
Hollywood a lot of your houses has burned DOWN TO the ground and you still have hate! SMFH! You’ll never learn! Can we call this KARMA?
“Meltdown”? Do you people speak English?
Hey, Mark! What’s your next film….job….interview?
So don’t watch President Trump’s inauguration Mark Hamill it’s not like we really care about your opinion. You have had your time in the limelight now you can just shut the hell up and go away! YOU DONT MATTER YOU SUCKIN LIBERAL!
This is quite a way to ruin what’s left of a fading career. These moronic actors fail to realize that the more they open their mouths and become overly political, the harder it is to take on a role without people seeing THEM rather than the character they’re attempting to portray. Kind of defeats the purpose of being an actor when you’re no longer believable. Unfortunately, their huge egos make it nearly impossible to learn this lesson. They assume that whatever fame they’ve achieved somehow makes them more qualified to spout their “expertise” on political issues than the rest of us. Hamill just comes off as a mentally deranged guy who’s badly in need of therapy and/or medication. Only a fool would hire such an unhinged lunatic at this point. He and De Niro should share a room in the Former Actor’s Asylum.
Another Hollyweed has been, insignificant , washed up no body. Obama came sauntering in like anyone cared to the Inauguartion Another has been.. Luke the force “aint’ with you anymore. Shut TFU.
Some of these leftists still ramble on and on. NewsMax, The First News, IMPRIMIS and The Verdict have been exposing this step by step for around four years. Because the Mainstream Media, The View, and the wrong side of Hollywood, the truth was hidden. Unfortunately, hateful, belligerent, immature, liars just want to ruin everyone’s day. Grown babies. I just read an article out of NewsMax Magazine about how kids have melted down since Trump won. Their parents and Social Media destroyed their confidence and ability to use common sense, and examine and research. Public School Boards and Teacher’s Unions have also been destroying common sense for years. Our Education is very expensive, but the curriculum is not making kids smarter. Time to defund the people destroying society. Some of these University President’s and Staff have all the degrees, and big pay checks. Ignore the basics, and think their way is the only way. Wrong. Caring, looking outside the box, and actually trying to benefit someone besides themselves, would go a long way in getting better results. Lower the price. Start adding in Wood Shop Mechanics, Drafting, Cooking, Metal Shop, Electric Shop, Money Management, Leadership Classes. Explain what a good leader does and doesn’t do. How government is supposed to work. Not this bureaucrat and politician nonsense that has been going on for decades. Robbing people so the special interests of these reckless Socialist, Communist, Marxist, Globalists, elites comes first. Then lying about it. God over the devil. Good over evil. Pray in Jesus Name. Get Baptized. Then God will give the Holy Spirit for understanding. Not all Religions and Darwanism are right. All think they are. Do not let the devil take your Salvation.