Woke Celebrity LOSES HER MIND After Carrie Underwood Does This…



Arianna Grande is proof that fame can’t fix stupidity.

Carrie doesn’t need auto-tune. She’s just jealous


    • You are right. This idiot things she is so good, but needless to say, she can’t hold a candle to Carrie Underwood. These Democrats are in a Fairy Tale world. I’ll take our great entertainers of the past who can stand and think on their feet. There’s only one thing people like Grande do, let her group convince her of something she is something she isn’t. KARMA IS HELL.

    • Ms Grande is the little sweetheart that got caught on a security camera licking a donut that she did not buy. The bakery shop should have sued her.

      • That’s not the only thing she’s licked. The more evil and immoral these people are, the LOUDER they become. We’ve never had a higher percentage of childish loosers in the world than we have today. Unfortunately, even getting Trump back in the White House isn’t going to change that. We can look forward to four years of kicking and screaming from the spoiled brats on the left – it started like clockwork on January 20. Their strategy is to wear down their opponents with their tantrums, aided by excessive coverage by the MSM.

  1. They are oligarchs, dictators and very afraid of being arrested for child trafficking in their underground tunnels/ Maybe we should ask Ariana if (she) is really a female? Serve her right!

  2. WTH happened to Mark Hamill???? He has turned completely UGLY along with all the other dumbocrats that are living their “WOKE” lives. The Dumbocrats are all revealing their inner demons to the world. They are all like PDiddy, hidden devils at work on earth and they are ALL GOING DOWN!!!! Their sins are all coming out and they are all going down!!!!!!! Every last one of them!!!!!!!

    • Yes, they’re all going down, but not until the return of Christ. Don’t be deceived into thinking that this is a problem that can be solved by man – it’s man’s sinful nature that brought all of this about in the first place. Electing Trump was a positive move towards slowing down the proliferation of some of this evil, but it will continue to grow, albeit somewhat more slowly for now. The good news is that these are indeed the end times, and the wait will be over VERY soon.

  3. When will reality, along with civility, set in. They had the last four years, they failed miserably. Our turn now. Yet these celebs will never comprehend that their opinions, while they are entitled to them, don’t matter. I have never, nor will I, vote for someone based on some celebs opinion, left or right.

    • I fully agree with you. If everyone voted based on their own convictions rather than those dictated by celebrities, it’s doubtful that the left would have ever been in power to begin with. Of course that’s assuming that everyone has convictions, which is really a faulty assumption in today’s rotten, immoral world.

  4. Who is responsible for the failure of the “broadcasting” system at the Capitol? Will they claim it is one of the January 6ers? Carrie’s voice is very fine, and far better than anything Grande has sung or could sing. That Carrie just nodded and did the performance without back up is all you need to know about her.

    • Carrie Underwood is an “All-American Gal”. So glad I saw her grab the Bull by the horns and sing with absolutely no backup in the U.S. Capitol in front of one of the greatest President’s this country has ever had, with the worst President and Vice President in attendance as well. If someone thought they were committing sabotage by shutting down the communications. They only made the show that much better! My only regret is Carrie didn’t do a few more songs!


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