only what the “race baiters” and socialist (liars) told them. The people in the South in the 1860’s could read and understand what the Bill of Rights said. Why Lincoln and the yankees had to destroy the republic of We the People. Killed 660 000 citizens and enslaved the rest.
Wokers could give lessons to the KKK on how to be bigots.
Ridiculous. That teacher’s parents have failed her. What would those kids know about the KKK?
only what the “race baiters” and socialist (liars) told them. The people in the South in the 1860’s could read and understand what the Bill of Rights said. Why Lincoln and the yankees had to destroy the republic of We the People. Killed 660 000 citizens and enslaved the rest.
Demonrats teachers lie just like Demonrats and beeing this racist these teacher’s are not teaching they are turning kids into racist propaganda lies
and the working/taxpaying sheeople are FORCED to pay their salary? Defund the Dept. of re-Education and the FIBbers (Gestapo)