Will All the Deranged Liberals Actually Leave America Now?



She underperformed a dementia patient. Let that sink in.

George Clooney is hopefully never coming back….bye bye…


  1. Why would they leave? In 2016 they just had to wait until Trump got flushed in 2020, which he was. This time Trump cannot run again.

      • LOL!! Can you imagine either of his two dummy sons running anything? They have never done anything yet on their own. Although I admit Ivanka is the only family member with a brain.

        • Like Hunter has a brain. Joe says, “Hunter is the smartest man he knows.” Helped Joe get bribed. His family got rich off of this. Checks, travel vouchers, phone records, and whistleblowers, are just some of the evidence. Not just words. Whistleblowers also confirmed this. Mainstream Media, The View, are hateful, evil, and lie. The First News, NewsMax, and IMPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters all fact based, with evidence. Look it up. They have more sense than Biden, Harris, Walz, and the rest. Check it out.

  2. good bye
    you said you’d leave so start, get going, hasta la vista’, don’t let the door hit you in the backside, good riddance, sayonara, etc
    you get the picture

  3. I think Delta or American airlines will charter a flight especially for all of you left wingnut actors and actresses leaving the good Ole USA now that President Trump swept and Republicans took over control of Congress! BYE BYE!!

  4. Those who have declared that they will leave the US need to be rounded up, their passports taken from them, put on a plane and never allowed back in! Then we’ll see who is willing to leave! Most are just mouthy, gum flapping Marxist cowards who are looking for free publicity!

    • Good idea, except add one thing. The plane blows up in the middle of the ocean. Don’t ever want these shitheaded traitors to come back, and they will want to come back once they find out what life is really like in a communist country. Notice burned out Bernie Sanders and ugly old Jane Fonda never relocated to a communist country.

  5. Sure is amazing how so many women voted against women’s rights, and how so many Latinos were ok with being insulted. Now, let’s hope that Trump’s promises weren’t all bullshit lies like his previous promises were. His tariffs will increase our cost of living, and tax cuts for the rich will greatly increase the deficit again.

    • Tax cuts for all. Not spending people’s money like an unlimited credit card. Biden, Harris, and the rest of the elites are the rich. Trump has given to many charities. Helped get the Covid Vaccine in record time. Sent ship, beds, supplies, masks, doctors, vaccines, to New York when Cuomo sent infected people into nursing homes and wrote his book. Cost of living is already up. Biden/Harris did that. Spent money and gave money not needed. Then people got lazy, and didn’t want to work. Thus, supply shortages. Not allowing businesses, schools, colleges, and Military to work unless vaccinated was not Science. It was a dumb move. Dr. Fauci should be behind bars. Add open borders, there is the added inflation. Crime is up because because of weak judges and prosecutors, and the Defund the Police pushed by Harris, and others. Bailed BLM and Antifa out. Unaccounted illegal immigrant children forced into servants, sex trade, drugs, etc. Giving away our Energy Independence, and draining our reserves. Several books to read; Hot Topic, Cold Science, Arabella, Brutal Minds, Terrorists on the Border and in Our Country. IMPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters are also fact based, with evidence. Can get those free. Books a fee. The Coup Against Trump is another good book. The lies about January 6, are there. The First News, NewsMax are the best. The Mainstream Media and The View are hateful and lie. Their ratings are in the tank.

  6. What did they expect??? They had a candidate that was dumber than a bag of hammers, who couldn’t even complete a sentence. Could not make a coherent speech, nor would tell the people WHAT SHE WAS GOING TO DO IN OFFICE!

    Look how she got her start in politics! On her back!!!

    She would have been nothing but another Obama puppet, and this would have been the end of the freedoms Americans have in this country. This administration has completely ignored the Constitution on NUMEROUS occasions, and should have been held responsible.

    Democrats have proven themselves to be pure evil, and that is sad!!!! I am will not say ALL democrats, but the majority of them are evil. Look at what they have done to this country these last 4 years!!!!!!!!

  7. I see bank interest rates are already rising, for fear that Trump’s policies are highly inflationary, and he has no ideas on how to reduce the deficit. He only knows how to spend and go bankrupt.

  8. A cost-of-living backlash shaped the presidential election. But voters will be very disappointed when they find out interest rates on home loans and big-ticket items won’t be coming down. Look at the eye-popping deficit math of actually implementing Trump’s various tax promises (expanding the 2017 tax cuts, no tax on tips, etc.) and you can understand why inflation concerns have resurfaced. Expect a higher deficit, but hopefully no USA bankruptcy where our money becomes worthless. That has happened in several countries that couldn’t match their tax income to their spending. Trump proved he was clueless about Economics when first elected.

  9. I would like to make the observation: No matter how you feel about Trump or Harris as people or as politicians or their respective policies. Trump ran on policy and Harris ran on hatred for Trump. People apparently didn’t really care if Trump can be an a-hole at times. People did seem to care that Harris had nothing to say but just that. When asked what Biden policies she would change, her answer was “nothing comes to mind.” I think that many would agree that wasn’t a very good answer.

  10. Hopefully nobody was dumb enough to buy Trump’s overpriced watches or Trump’s Chinese bibles or invest in Trump Media stock? The parent company of Truth Social reported a loss of $19.2 million for the third quarter. Revenue declined by 5.6%, dropping to just $1.01 million compared to the same period last year. If you did, get out before it’s Trump’s 7th bankruptcy.

  11. With all the bogus charges against Trump, I am surprised he has any money. The ladies that sued him had no evidence. I saw him in the store. Next thing you know he was near the dressing room. Then he almost made me cry, and then he kissed me. But do not remember day, time, store, year. Yet, the judge awards her. Same with Daniels. Paid her to lie. Show the evidence. Where, when, time. January 6 Committee fizzled. Go back and look at the tapes. This will drag on because the Democrats and Mainstream Media have nothing. Negative when he ran for office in 2016. He did not have to be President. He was already rich. The First News, NewsMax, and IMPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters prove the election fraud. NVRA backs it up.


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