Whoopi “Smollett” LIES About Being REFUSED Service At Bakery Over Politics, FACES Lawsuit!?



The bakery needs to sue.

She spent her birthday defaming a small business. Shows how miserable she is.


  1. Like Whoopi really needs those cup cakes. She gives new meaning to a big fat hog. She’s make a 2500 pound angus bull look skinny. She could mix in with the elephants and no one would notice. She could go swimming with the Hippos. Crocodiles wouldn’t bother her, she’s way too much of a mouth full. SUE THE HELL OUT OF THE BIG FAT BITCH!!!!

    • Amen. Any time I see this woman, I always think that it is true that some human derived from the gorilla or ape. Beside ugly, she also has such a bad mouth, she think that if she put flowers in her ass hole it make it a vase.

  2. It’s a ‘racial thing’. A common tactic certain black Americans use when they don’t get their way or lose an argument. Throwing out the ‘race card’ has been overused so much that it is similar the ‘boy cries wolf’ fable — nobody believes them anymore. Especially now when video cameras record their ‘stories’. Whoop! Whoop! Whoopi!

  3. Hope the fat pig get sued into bankruptcy. If I was an executive at the network that pays this lying pig, I would terminate her employment right now.

  4. I saw a “small” segment of her show and she was mentioning how inflation has also hurt her like everyone else. Making “only” $8,000,000 a year make’s me feel sure she’s real careful balancing her check book. Probably had to cut down on all those 32oz. porterhouse steaks she has in that extra long freezer in the garage. Why would anyone watch those lying rich beoytchs on “THE SPEW”?

  5. Whoopsie and all her View hags should be sued for spreading lies upon lies every time the show airs. What a pathetic bunch of ugly hateful jackasses, can’t even call them “women” they are not entitled to be called that. This show should be canceled PERMANENTLY and they should never be allowed to return for any reason. This bakery should sue the pants off this disgusting bitch and let her end up being a bigger loser than what she is. Liberal trash Whoopsie thinks she can do and say anything to get away with because she’s a Hollywood celebrity but she’s nothing more than an ugly gorilla looking slob who still thinks she’s amusing…. OH PLEASEEEE!

  6. Whoopi wanted folks to feel sorry for her. Did you hear the women on The View? They all blame without hearing the facts. Shame on these women. The View needs to go!

  7. It was quick thinking of that woman to spit out the cupcake.🤣 I couldn’t stop laughing. Wookie needs to stick to reading the teleprompter.

  8. She must be insane in the brain. Does she really think Americans are so ignorant as to believe what says says. She is a crazy ugly person. I would say woman or lady, but she is an it! Go away Whoopi; give your millions to people that need help. We were placed on this earth to help others. Given to others make me feel soooooo good. Maybe you should do it!

  9. To make the claim she made would require her to prove her claim. A receipt for the boiler repair will disprove the allegations. Their Democrat Senator spoke in defense of the bakery. Does this attempt to reverse their livelihood constitute an attempt on Woopi’s part to malign a hardworking business?

  10. It’s disgusting how the Mainstream Media, The View, and some of Hollywood, spread hate and lies about Trump for over 8 years. Democrats are the ones that called Trump Hitler and Nazi. MAGA as deplorables and lowlifes. I try and help at least one person a day, everyday for the past forty plus years. People standing on the corner, give candy bars, Bible tracts. Not step over them like the overpaid politicians, bureaucrats, and elites in Washington D.C., New York, California, and other places. God says go out and help. Jesus died for all. In order to get to Heaven you must repent, be Baptized, then God gives you the Holy Spirit for understanding. Otherwise you are lost and cannot enter Heaven. Confess in Jesus Name that he is Lord. Then go out into a cruel world and help people until body death where then the believer’s Soul will go to Heaven. Make mistakes, but keep going. Not all will listen. Faith over Fear. Not all Religions and Darwanism are the same. All think they are.

  11. Every facility that caters, to her or the show, should just say NO! And the bakery should sue for defamation against her, and the show BIG TIME! Enough to let everyone that works there at the bakery to retire comfortably, and there is no Birthday for whoopturd, she crawled out of rock from the ocean’s bottom. 🤮🤮🤮

  12. Woopie smollet is racist, disgusting, very, sick, lying, mentally lucid, loudmouth, nincompoop, that needs to be sued, lying about the bakery. U pathetic, witch.

  13. Find the place it keeps it’s money and burn it to the ground along with it’s house. Maybe then it will understand what REAL Americans have had to go through with Bidass as POTUS.


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