I must be to right I can’t find anything he said as funny the people in his audience must be so far left that they do the Biden for instance “where’s my cocain I am about to do a speech about condemning every one in America that voted TRUMP “
I don’t even know this bald headed fat a&& . Don’t care too either, He says this s**t about people on the internet about the Cali fires when he tries to talk like he knows a damn thing , if he was so smart his state wouldn’t be burning down . BUT HEY, he’s got a wife NOW, that is smarter the he is . OR IS SHE ? After all she did marry him , she can’t be that smart
Henpecked husband.
I must be to right I can’t find anything he said as funny the people in his audience must be so far left that they do the Biden for instance “where’s my cocain I am about to do a speech about condemning every one in America that voted TRUMP “
I don’t even know this bald headed fat a&& . Don’t care too either, He says this s**t about people on the internet about the Cali fires when he tries to talk like he knows a damn thing , if he was so smart his state wouldn’t be burning down . BUT HEY, he’s got a wife NOW, that is smarter the he is . OR IS SHE ? After all she did marry him , she can’t be that smart
Burr is a jackass. He just lost half of his audience.