Watch MSNBC Host’s RACIST RANT after Trump’s First Week



I am so done with black supremacists.

I’m sick of blacks being so racist while complaining about racism.


  1. Whites disgust him??? When I was a kid, I grew up rural. I’d never seen a black. When I did, I thought it was a dead body. Sad but true, most out west , back in the day have never seen a black, let alone have contact and have not been able to have an opinion, one way or the other so these screaming idiots have nothing to cry about. All the grievances are hundreds of years old, not today? If they have it better than their past relatives, as we all do , they have nothing to bitch about.

  2. Do WE need to hear from idiots like this? He and his ilk only continue to foster hate and division in our country. I’m sure he is being paid well for his racist rant. Sad.

    • Not only that, but who were some of the the first slave OWNERS in America? They were BLACKS – an inconvenient fact that the racist fools like this refuse to acknowledge. And, in fact, at one point in our history the law was applied more favorably to black slave owners than to white ones. Anyone who thinks that slavery in America was a simple black (good) vs. white (evil) issue is a simpleton who lacks the capacity – and desire – to delve into the facts. And I haven’t even touched on the long history of slavery that flourished among various Native American tribes. Yet the white man is the devil? Unfortunately, we can expect more of these leftist outbursts for at least the next four years as the “spoiled children” continue their perennial tantrums. They’ll do everything in their power to stop Trump from making any progress since power, rather than the well-being of our country, is all that matters to them. And all of the MSM is complicit in this attempt to undermine Trump’s efforts and return us to the brink of globalist destruction.

  3. Mistal has always been a overt racist. He is going apoplectic over the fact that he is rapidly losing any relevance or leverage. The Democrat party has completely controlled the Public education system that has been used to crush the forward momentum of the black race by teaching attachment to victimhood rather than usable skills making sure that they remain under federal program control and unemployable.

  4. The black Michelin man strikes again. This disgusting piece of work needs to be permanently removed from our televisions. MSDNC is a pitiful excuse for a network. They should have their broadcasting license revoked.


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