Trump VINDICATED: BOMBSHELL Report Proves January 6th Was INSIDE JOB Cover Up by Nancy Pelosi And…



Who thinks Harris is 100X worse than Biden?.

All Jan. 6 prisoners MUST BE RELEASED IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yes, we all know it, yet THEY always protect Nancy. What did she hold over their heads? This shows nearly all in the House of Representatives are damned corrupt.

    • She even admits that she screwed up re: Jan. 6th. Why isn’t she facing an inquisition? Could it be that the Dems own the DOJ? Garland does their bidding. He’s proven over and over how far left and corrupt he is.

  2. Actually no one could find Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy, who was responsible for the National Guard, went missing for like two hours and no one could find him. I think he was meeting with Pelosi and others to delay Trump’s request to deploy the National Guard. I think it is quite odd those involved in the cover-up are retired from the military now. McCarthy was only the Secretary from 2019 – 2021.

  3. The sad part about it is that I saw what was going to happen and posted in early January not to go to Washington D.C. I said that this entire thing was a set-up by the democrats. I am sorry that I was like Cassandra, crying in the wilderness and no one listened. It was Pelosi and Bowser that refused the National Guard and THEY should be held responsible. It was Pelosi’s police officer guard who fired on an unarmed woman, killing her and he should be tried for murder. But we all know that there is a two-tier justice system and nothing will happen to these (in Killary’s words) DEPLORABLES. DISGUSTING!

  4. Why would we release the Jan. 6 traitors? Most countries have the death sentence for trying to overthrow the government, the election and the will of the people. It’s called TREASON. Trump belongs in prison with them.

  5. Great news today though! World Bank has announced that the US economy is so strong it’s stabilizing other countries around the world! I hope the Magats still don’t believe that Trump or Biden could tell companies what they can charge for their products? Take an inflation lesson in Economics. The stock market has doubled. Interest rates are going down. Unemployment is low. Don’t listen to FOX. We ARE great again! Keep it that way in November. Trump was a failure we can’t afford to repeat.

    • Boy do you buy that fake propaganda news. I bet your favorite news station is CNN. Sounds like you haven’t been around the block and keep your head in the sand. I bet you know nothing about socialism that the liberals are pushing. How can that be great, bet you never been to a socialist or communist country, You know do know which ones there are. Move to one and see how long you can handle it. The liberals lie, cheat and play dirty pool and you’re not smart enough to see it. Why do you think illegal aliens are coming to the US. DUH!

    • Every living breathing human knows prices are higher in every facet of our lives now with Biden/Harris. Before Biden/Harris we were energy independent- we pump half as much oil now in the US than we did 4 years ago. Crime is much worse and illegal immigration is 4x higher. Did you know we already bring 1 million immigrants into the US LEGALLY every year? We were better off under Trump! I don’t pick my doctor because of his/her bedside manner either.

  6. Taking it all into consideration several years ago, I knew the Jan. 6 incident was a hoax orchestrated by the liberals, of course. How can Pelosi be such a dirty and conniving old lady at her age. Guess she had enough practice when screwing up San Francisco with her buddies like K. Harris, Feinstein, Watters and a few others. I know a lot of women young and old but not one of them is a conniving witch. She ought to be a shame of herself. If I was her, I’d hide in the closets. Supprised only one guy attempted to get her in.. She shouldn’t be allowed in DCA or anything to do with politics. What a 2-face bitch. I’m surprised some of her ???? friends havent pushed her off the G.G. bridge. A sorry excuse for a politician; and for women.

  7. Ben you need to slow down and stop rushing so quickly through your commentary. You have important things to say. Take the time to say them and read a bit slower. You need to let people catch up. Just some constructive criticism. We all need to not only be heard but explain things in a way that help people to connect the dots. Rushing and reading or skimming doesn’t help make things clear.

  8. BLM, Antifa, Soros backed Radical Liberals and Democrats took over and burned cities. Seattle, Portland, Madison, Chicago … they killed people, they burned and looted. They destroyed businesses. If you look up Cowboy Logic and the videos and actual accounts of January 6 you will see that the only person shot was an unarmed woman by a Capital Police Officer. Another man was pushed by an Officer and fell two stories. Others were protesters who died because they weren’t given medical help and one woman even has a recording of an Officer saying if she’s a protester who cares. Officers were hurt when flash bombs and gas they were dispersing illegally was blowing back in their faces. Firing above the chest i to a crowd a man had a rubber bullet go through his face leaving a gaping hole. Persons instigating violence and movements have been identified as persons working with Antifa and the Democratic party. The Dems always distract. Americans went to bed with Trump ahead by a landslide at midnight and woke up to Biden had won and were questioning and had every right to peacefully protest. No one moved into the Capital until Capital Police started shooting at the crowd, firing flash bombs and gas at the crowd without warning. Trump not only asked for National Guard but in his speech over and over again stated that we will “Peacefully March” down to the capital. the lack of the National Guard and the removal at the beginning of netting made barriers unclear to later larger crowds of protesters. This was NOTHING like the violence Antifa cause and the murder of innocent civilians. Not one Antifa protester that I know of was ever jailed or prosecuted. Yet thousands of protesters are in jail, solitary confinement and some without trials. Yeah, who’s a threat to democracy?

  9. The Democrats have always been a threat to our Constitutional Republic, people just don’t see it with all the rhetoric that’s spewed on the propaganda media.

  10. Isn’t what Pelosi done considered an act of treason against our president and why hasn’t she been arrested? There has to be a law against this!

  11. Speaking of dictator Trump’s fake promises, I hope everyone remembers this: .Mexico will pay for the wall. .I will eliminate ISIS. .I will balance the budget. .I will create an infrastructure fund. .I will repeal Obamacare. .I will terminate DACA immediately. I will ban foreign lobbyists. .I will not take vacations or have time to golf. .I will bring back manufacturing.
    .We will have guaranteed 6 week paid leave. .We will deport criminal immigrants. .I will eliminate the estate tax.
    .We will have a new healthcare plan within 30 days.

    He was asked about his healthcare plan at the debate. (8 years later now) He said I don’t have a plan, just “a concept of a plan.”

    There were 44 other failed “promises” but this is more than enough to show that his bullshit comes out not only from his mouth, but flows freely from his eyes and nose as well. He is so full of lies that he well deserves his title of worst president ever! We don’t need to get into his moral character.
    How anyone can support the orange turd is amazing and disgusting!

  12. FACT: It’s really a joke to call Trump a “businessman” after 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses. The word is “LOSER” instead. Does it take talent to inherit NYC real estate that quadrupled in value while tenants pay you rent? He sure was a total loser at playing president. Cost us 8 TRILLION dollars because the buffoon was clueless about economics. Luckily we flushed the orange turd at the first opportunity voters had, before he bankrupted the country. Any candidate with a brain could have beaten Biden.

  13. Yes, Donald Trump promised “numbers like we’ve never seen.” And he delivered.
    He’s racked up 34 felony convictions, 54 pending criminal charges, 2 impeachments, 2 popular-vote losses, $88 million owed to E. Jean Carroll, $450 million owed for civil fraud, $8 trillion added to the national debt, and a 2.9 million net loss of jobs.


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