Shows the absolute failure of the education system from kindergarten all the way up to 4-year colleges. Instead of getting an education to make something out of themselves, it’s more like endless uncontrolled recess. The best way to settle down these piles of pig shit called Islamist is to go up to that crowd with an M2 mounted on an M113A1 and say, “get the fuck out of here or you’ll be turned into Swiss cheese.”
I think their visas should be rescinded and they should be deported, it’s ridiculous the way they are allowed to destroy schools and protest for Hamas who are terrorists, if they are from here they should be jailed for the damage they do and for the hate they spread. These colleges don’t deserve tax payer money, they are the ones teaching this hate, plus they have huge endowments so I don’t know why the tax payers are being used to make them even richer!
Shows the absolute failure of the education system from kindergarten all the way up to 4-year colleges. Instead of getting an education to make something out of themselves, it’s more like endless uncontrolled recess. The best way to settle down these piles of pig shit called Islamist is to go up to that crowd with an M2 mounted on an M113A1 and say, “get the fuck out of here or you’ll be turned into Swiss cheese.”
yep, What Wilddog just posted
I think their visas should be rescinded and they should be deported, it’s ridiculous the way they are allowed to destroy schools and protest for Hamas who are terrorists, if they are from here they should be jailed for the damage they do and for the hate they spread. These colleges don’t deserve tax payer money, they are the ones teaching this hate, plus they have huge endowments so I don’t know why the tax payers are being used to make them even richer!
All it took was for Trump to withdraw funding to Columbia. Imagine that.
the socialist live to steal & waste YOUR money, time & resources. Can’t wait till they are made into “live target practice”. I HAVE A DREAM