“One side likes to spit all kinds of hatred.” She’s right on that one, BUT IT’S HER SIDE DOING THE HATE!!!! The KKK was founded by dummycrats in 1865 and still has behind the scenes dummycrat support.
Hey stupid Flores, KKK was started by the Demo crat’s, they were formed to force the Africa American to vote Democrats oh course your the racist. Democrats are “ALWAYS” the first to yell Raceist who are actually are the true racist
She must be one that wants to erase History Dem started the dems down south and ppl listened are paid the price So it does sound like she IS still working for the KKK and is to stupid to know it and SOO many blacks teach there kids to HATE and be raciest at a young age and how to get free money from the tax payers are some call free money from the Government
I live in a small town..there was only one time in my history that my town was racist and that was when Martin Luther king came marching down our Main Street with a megaphone stuck in his mouth saying racial things..like he had a nightmare or something..after he left with his busloads of followers..every thing went right back to peaceful like it is today..no racism no nothing ..only big cities have this bullsh-t
I am offended that Miss Flores is calling 90% of MAGA, devilcrats. The KKK were founded by devilcrats. The majority of their members were devilcrats. Obviously, she hasn’t learned any American history. She’s been failed by our education system. No way she keeps her position.
“One side likes to spit all kinds of hatred.” She’s right on that one, BUT IT’S HER SIDE DOING THE HATE!!!! The KKK was founded by dummycrats in 1865 and still has behind the scenes dummycrat support.
Hey stupid Flores, KKK was started by the Demo crat’s, they were formed to force the Africa American to vote Democrats oh course your the racist. Democrats are “ALWAYS” the first to yell Raceist who are actually are the true racist
She must be one that wants to erase History Dem started the dems down south and ppl listened are paid the price So it does sound like she IS still working for the KKK and is to stupid to know it and SOO many blacks teach there kids to HATE and be raciest at a young age and how to get free money from the tax payers are some call free money from the Government
I live in a small town..there was only one time in my history that my town was racist and that was when Martin Luther king came marching down our Main Street with a megaphone stuck in his mouth saying racial things..like he had a nightmare or something..after he left with his busloads of followers..every thing went right back to peaceful like it is today..no racism no nothing ..only big cities have this bullsh-t
The Dems are the ones spitting hatred and racism.
I am offended that Miss Flores is calling 90% of MAGA, devilcrats. The KKK were founded by devilcrats. The majority of their members were devilcrats. Obviously, she hasn’t learned any American history. She’s been failed by our education system. No way she keeps her position.
I find it interesting that this racist beotch likes to use free speech only when it suits HER. Recall that skank.