Trump Just Ended The Ukraine War Before His Inauguration



Trump needs to order Government auditors to audit that war i want to know where every penny went, because I suspect half that money got laundered back here into political campaigns

We want a refund on the Ukraine scam.


  1. After the Covid-19 Scam that cost trillions, the Ukraine War cost trillions, and the War mongering Military and Military-Industrial Complex cost trillions, and the Millions of Illegals cost trillions. There you go. The entire $35 Trillion dollar national debt explained. Balance the budget and eliminate all government jobs until America restores its Treasury. No more overpayments. A big “NO”. End the give-aways now. Reduce the Government in every way possible. In my 75 years, I have NEVER received any benefit from the local, state, federal government. I’m still driving on crappy roads and dealing with 50 Million Illegals who walked right in and received free housing, free food, free vehicles, free medical, free dental, free education, free devices, free toys, free cash. OUT, OUT DAMN SPOTS. All of which has come back to the dirty, filthy officials and politicians as illegal bribery and pay offs. The Government is the Enemy.

  2. Nothing will work better than cutting headcount and making sure those who remain have plenty of legitimate work to do. When they don’t have human resources sitting around looking for ways to meddle, the senseless and criminal spending will stop. Some agencies just need to be canceled outright and their output rescinded. The lifting of this burden on the economy of senseless and excessive regulation alone will do much to bring a greatly reduced budget into balance. It’s still the economy, stupid! Thank you, Mr. Carville. Too bad nobody listened.

    • and crack head hunter’s money, and some from hillary, and some from barry, and then don’t forget nancy,
      laundered money,
      and other people who helped themselves with zelinsky premission
      and zelinsky wants 2.5 billion shells by the end of 2025;
      this is NOT a play, like zelinsky played in and being president of ukraine, thus became president of ukraine in real life

  3. The Ukraine war succeeded in draining our resources, while costing taxpayers billions. I believe most of the money went to Zelensky and the Biden crime family. Hunter raked in millions in dirty money in Ukraine. Money being investigated. That’s why his daddy withheld approved funds for Ukraine, until the prosecutor was fired. The “big guy” made millions. The whole family did. Most people would be sent to prison for life, for doing similar actions. Not the Bidens. Oh no. They’ll get off Scott free.


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