My wife and I will be voting straight republican party. Trump should be an easy winner, along with most of the other republican races, but we still remember the election fraud of 2020 like it was yesterday. Our biggest fear is not that the dummycrats will be cheating, it’s that the RINOs will let it happen just like they did in 2020. If that happens, this country is under the threat of going full communist which will result in civil war. This is what happened in every communist country.
NEVER forget, RFK Jr. and uncle Teddy said NOTHING after Hitlery Rotten Clinton killed JFK Jr. his wife and sister in law. You NEVER saw that recovered plane, because IT didn’t have a tail on it. IT was blown off, by a olanted bomb. Wise up sheeople, use your brain !
As you well know the Democrats are up to their old tricks manipulating the vote. The SOS of Michigan, Jocelyn Benson said last week the Dominion voting machines are flipping the vote on the straight ticket – so if you vote for Trump it goes to Kamala. But in actuality, the Kamala vote doesn’t switch to Trump. The SOS says the company is working on this “glitch.” The same thing happened in the 2020 election and here it is 4 years later and it isn’t fixed? How conveinent. She says it is happening across the country. We have seen videos posted on X and FB showing people selecting Trump but not registering and coming up as Kamala. We have heard of multiple illegal votes cast by non-citizens. We have heard the US Postal Service has dumped ballots in fields. Ballot boxes have been burned and bombed. The list goes on and on about the Democrats cheating to steal this election even to the point of the Biden-Harris administration suing several states for removing non-citizens from their voter roles. Thankfully, in Virginia the governor appealed to the Supreme court and won and was able to remove these illegal people from the voter roles. This has been happening since 2018. I have read an article that the supreme court may need to determine who won this election. I have been saying that for the past several weeks and have been urging people to send an email to the supreme court telling them that WE THE PEOPLE are tired of the shenanigans of the Democrats. All we want is a fair election. We will not be satisfied with the election results unless a forensic audit is done in all the swing states plus Texas because there are oddities occurring in Texas. This is what I have told the supreme court. We will not be happy if Trump loses. We demand this but also if Trump wins we demand this because the Democrats will have spoiled the down ballot where the senators and house of representatives are so we want a forensic audit in the swing states and Texas. But now, I am beginning to think we need a forensic audit in every state because of the down ticket. The polls have been off and manipulated since the 2018 election. We can’t have the democrats stealing the senator votes and house votes and judges votes. We need a forensic audit in every state. We need to know for sure who really won the senate race, the house race, the governorship, the state senate and house, the judges, the school boards, the reagents at the universities. All of these systems have been corrupted and it goes back to the vote. The fraud caused by democrats needs to be exposed and the true candidates need to be revealed. This is how we protect our country. WE MUST STAND UP AND DEMAND A FAIR ELECTION ACROSS THE ENTIRE COUNTRY AND IT IS ONLY THE SUPREME COURT WHO CAN HELP US. The supreme court was bombarded with emails from citizens in 2020 about the unfair elections but John Roberts said he didn’t want the court to get involved for fear of riots. Well you know it isn’t MAGA supporters that riot, it is the democrats and their hired “actors (activists) that burn the United States to the ground. Encourage your viewers to write to the Supreme court requesting a forensic audit of this election in all 50 states regardless of who wins the presidency because of the down ballots. It will not do any good for Trump to be elected president if the democrats rig the election to put democrat senators and house representatives as the majority. WE MUST SAVE OUR COUNTRY. WE ARE A REPUBLIC. THE PEOPLE GOVERN THROUGH REPRESENTATIVES WE WANT TO BE SURE WHO WE VOTED FOR IS WHO ENDS UP IN OFFICE. THE PAST 3 ELECTION CYCLES HAVE BEEN MANIPULATED AND STOLEN BY THE DEMOCRAT PARTY AND THEIR CRONIES. IF WE DON’T DEMAND A FORENSIC AUDIT IN EVERY STATE AND TELL THE SUPREME COURT FOR ONCE, WE WANT OUR TAX DOLLARS USED TO DO SOMETHING FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. WE DON’T CARE WHAT IT COSTS TO DO A FORENSIC AUDIT IN EVERY STATE BUT WE MUST KNOW THE TRUTH. WE MUST EXPOSE THE FRAUD. WHOEVER COMMITED IT MUST BE ARRESTED, PROSECUTED AND SPEND TIME IN JAIL. MAYBE WE CAN STOP THIS IN THE FUTURE IF THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES FOR THEIR ACTIONS. MANIPULATING VOTES IS VOTER INTIMIDATION AND THAT IS A CRIME AND THEY NEED TO PAY THE PRICE FOR THEIR ACTIONS. ASK YOUR MEMBERS TO SEND AN EMAIL TO THE SUPREME COURT DEMANDING A FORENSIC AUDIT OF THIS ELECTION IN EVERY STATE BEFORE THE SOS IN EVERY STATE REMOVES THE VOTES FROM THE VOTING MACHINES WHICH THE SOS DID IN MICHIGAN IN 2020. VOTES ARE SUPPOSED TO REMAIN IN THE VOTING MACHINE FOR A MINIMUM OF 22 MONTHS. THE SOS IN MICHIGAN IN 2020 REMOVED THE VOTES BEFORE 6 WEEKS AFTER THE 2020 ELECTION. The acceptable error rate for a national election is 0.002%. One small county in Michigan underwent a forensic audit in 2020 and the error rate was 68.5%. A citizen hired an attorney to look into the election because this county always voted republican but it went to Democrats. After the audit, it did go to republicans. The democratic party are criminals that break our laws to stay in power. We can no longer sit by and let them steal our elections and have no recourse. Bombard the supreme court with emails demanding a forensic audit in every state because we need to protect the down ballot.
All of those voting machines need to be recycled into toilet paper holders, and the original PAPER ballots brought back. Being the extreme conservative that I am, it’s always been my opinion that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.
Another Civil War is a definite possibility that has been building ever since the 2020 election was stolen from We the People. And either way the win goes today, there will be friction. The campaign stops by both candidates paints a dismal picture for the Democratic Party. Harris had to literally bribe people to attend with free music concerts, and even then drew minimal crowds, while the Trump rallies were always sold out with crowds watching the huge outside monitors. The finale of all this should be extremely interesting… when the Vice President is asked to certify the results!
MANY of us are demonized by blatant lies. HOW CAN a voter vote for a person with 34 felonies, sued by a journalist and porn star for rape and many other offenses like demeaning immigrants as a blood stain on our democracy, calling others as dumb, lunatics, anyhow it takes one to know one. A psychologist who is a close relative of the candidate warns people about his mental status and it can be observed well during his rallies with rumblings about others, elderly close to 80 who have lived making lies about anything he can think of, an angry old man whose mind is filled with hatred that may make his heart weaker because of the strain made from the slowing down of his blood circulation, his mixed gray hairs that portrays an elderly man with so much anxiety. I am 86 years old worked hard as a college dean of a college of nursing, a nurse educator for years and have seen young man with so much anxiety drop dead after having sex with an 18 year old. Our current candidate for president has so much anxiety who is facing the court decision on some of his transgressions after this election. This is a man who disrespects women and call them different inappropriate titles that a decent human being cannot stomach. MAY OUR GOOD GOD HELP THIS OLD MAN WITH SO MANY TRANSGRESSIONS THAT NO NORMAL INDIVIDUAL HAVE COMMITTED AND HOPEFULLY MAKE SOME AMENDS BEFORE HIS LAST BREATH THAT HIS POOR SOUL WILL END IN PURGATORY THAT MAY LAST FOR ANOTHER LIFETIME BEFORE HIS SOUL CAN BE PURGED AND HOPEFULLY MAY BE SENT TO HEAVEN AFTER THOUSDANDS OF PRAYERS OFFERED FOR SAVING HIS SOUL FROM HELL. WE might earn a single blessing for offering a prayer for a real obvious sinful man.
FINAL AD IS RIGHT! After the voters flush the orange turd tonight, the only thing we will hear from Trump is him whining to the Maga-morons to send him money to fight a rigged election. Of course that money (again) will be used the pay the orange turd’s legal bills.
Please move to China or Russia with the Bribem family. You might want to wash your filthy mouth out after eating that ORANGE EGG ON YOUR FACE!
Isabel doesn’t realize the 2020 election was rigged! She doesn’t realize the White House Counsels office was involved with the planning of the Kangaroo political trials and guaranteed convictions in our dirty court system that Bribem’s boss “Obama” and his wingman “In contempt of Congress” Holder helped arrange. Nate of “Fani and Nate” Fulton County Fame, (DA hired ambulance chasing boyfriend to take Trump in fabricated case to court. She was another one that had a platform like Bragg in NY to GET TRUMP. I SEE MANY DISBARMENTS! The REPUBLICANS JUST WON CONTROL OF THE SENATE!
What god would support a pussy grabbing sexual predator who bangs porn stars and cheats on every wife he’s had? Pervert POS Trump is the last person anyone would call a Christian.
Sort of refreshing Heather. I guess you haven’t been in a girl’s locker room, or in a military barracks? We are now “with President Trump” taking the guys out of girls locker rooms, and off the sports teams. We will have AWOL TIM WALZ put all those Tampon machines back in the women’s rest rooms. They aren’t needed in the boys rooms, but you evidently didn’t know this. MAKE AMERICA UN-KRAZY AGAIN!
Harris had her supporters sent home. Trump is still keeping his supporters waiting after 2 AM. They don’t care about them now that it’s over. That’s rude.
Yes, it’s amazing how so many women voted against women’s rights, and how so many Latinos were ok with being insulted. Now, let’s hope that Trump’s promises weren’t all bullshit lies like his previous promises were. His tariffs will increase our cost of living, and tax cuts for the rich will greatly increase the deficit again.
My wife and I will be voting straight republican party. Trump should be an easy winner, along with most of the other republican races, but we still remember the election fraud of 2020 like it was yesterday. Our biggest fear is not that the dummycrats will be cheating, it’s that the RINOs will let it happen just like they did in 2020. If that happens, this country is under the threat of going full communist which will result in civil war. This is what happened in every communist country.
This man would be greatly loved, if it wasn’t for the enemy of the people, the lieing news media.
NEVER forget, RFK Jr. and uncle Teddy said NOTHING after Hitlery Rotten Clinton killed JFK Jr. his wife and sister in law. You NEVER saw that recovered plane, because IT didn’t have a tail on it. IT was blown off, by a olanted bomb. Wise up sheeople, use your brain !
Wow! I never heard about that before. Interesting info.
As you well know the Democrats are up to their old tricks manipulating the vote. The SOS of Michigan, Jocelyn Benson said last week the Dominion voting machines are flipping the vote on the straight ticket – so if you vote for Trump it goes to Kamala. But in actuality, the Kamala vote doesn’t switch to Trump. The SOS says the company is working on this “glitch.” The same thing happened in the 2020 election and here it is 4 years later and it isn’t fixed? How conveinent. She says it is happening across the country. We have seen videos posted on X and FB showing people selecting Trump but not registering and coming up as Kamala. We have heard of multiple illegal votes cast by non-citizens. We have heard the US Postal Service has dumped ballots in fields. Ballot boxes have been burned and bombed. The list goes on and on about the Democrats cheating to steal this election even to the point of the Biden-Harris administration suing several states for removing non-citizens from their voter roles. Thankfully, in Virginia the governor appealed to the Supreme court and won and was able to remove these illegal people from the voter roles. This has been happening since 2018. I have read an article that the supreme court may need to determine who won this election. I have been saying that for the past several weeks and have been urging people to send an email to the supreme court telling them that WE THE PEOPLE are tired of the shenanigans of the Democrats. All we want is a fair election. We will not be satisfied with the election results unless a forensic audit is done in all the swing states plus Texas because there are oddities occurring in Texas. This is what I have told the supreme court. We will not be happy if Trump loses. We demand this but also if Trump wins we demand this because the Democrats will have spoiled the down ballot where the senators and house of representatives are so we want a forensic audit in the swing states and Texas. But now, I am beginning to think we need a forensic audit in every state because of the down ticket. The polls have been off and manipulated since the 2018 election. We can’t have the democrats stealing the senator votes and house votes and judges votes. We need a forensic audit in every state. We need to know for sure who really won the senate race, the house race, the governorship, the state senate and house, the judges, the school boards, the reagents at the universities. All of these systems have been corrupted and it goes back to the vote. The fraud caused by democrats needs to be exposed and the true candidates need to be revealed. This is how we protect our country. WE MUST STAND UP AND DEMAND A FAIR ELECTION ACROSS THE ENTIRE COUNTRY AND IT IS ONLY THE SUPREME COURT WHO CAN HELP US. The supreme court was bombarded with emails from citizens in 2020 about the unfair elections but John Roberts said he didn’t want the court to get involved for fear of riots. Well you know it isn’t MAGA supporters that riot, it is the democrats and their hired “actors (activists) that burn the United States to the ground. Encourage your viewers to write to the Supreme court requesting a forensic audit of this election in all 50 states regardless of who wins the presidency because of the down ballots. It will not do any good for Trump to be elected president if the democrats rig the election to put democrat senators and house representatives as the majority. WE MUST SAVE OUR COUNTRY. WE ARE A REPUBLIC. THE PEOPLE GOVERN THROUGH REPRESENTATIVES WE WANT TO BE SURE WHO WE VOTED FOR IS WHO ENDS UP IN OFFICE. THE PAST 3 ELECTION CYCLES HAVE BEEN MANIPULATED AND STOLEN BY THE DEMOCRAT PARTY AND THEIR CRONIES. IF WE DON’T DEMAND A FORENSIC AUDIT IN EVERY STATE AND TELL THE SUPREME COURT FOR ONCE, WE WANT OUR TAX DOLLARS USED TO DO SOMETHING FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. WE DON’T CARE WHAT IT COSTS TO DO A FORENSIC AUDIT IN EVERY STATE BUT WE MUST KNOW THE TRUTH. WE MUST EXPOSE THE FRAUD. WHOEVER COMMITED IT MUST BE ARRESTED, PROSECUTED AND SPEND TIME IN JAIL. MAYBE WE CAN STOP THIS IN THE FUTURE IF THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES FOR THEIR ACTIONS. MANIPULATING VOTES IS VOTER INTIMIDATION AND THAT IS A CRIME AND THEY NEED TO PAY THE PRICE FOR THEIR ACTIONS. ASK YOUR MEMBERS TO SEND AN EMAIL TO THE SUPREME COURT DEMANDING A FORENSIC AUDIT OF THIS ELECTION IN EVERY STATE BEFORE THE SOS IN EVERY STATE REMOVES THE VOTES FROM THE VOTING MACHINES WHICH THE SOS DID IN MICHIGAN IN 2020. VOTES ARE SUPPOSED TO REMAIN IN THE VOTING MACHINE FOR A MINIMUM OF 22 MONTHS. THE SOS IN MICHIGAN IN 2020 REMOVED THE VOTES BEFORE 6 WEEKS AFTER THE 2020 ELECTION. The acceptable error rate for a national election is 0.002%. One small county in Michigan underwent a forensic audit in 2020 and the error rate was 68.5%. A citizen hired an attorney to look into the election because this county always voted republican but it went to Democrats. After the audit, it did go to republicans. The democratic party are criminals that break our laws to stay in power. We can no longer sit by and let them steal our elections and have no recourse. Bombard the supreme court with emails demanding a forensic audit in every state because we need to protect the down ballot.
All of those voting machines need to be recycled into toilet paper holders, and the original PAPER ballots brought back. Being the extreme conservative that I am, it’s always been my opinion that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.
Add voter I.D. and same day voting. Most employers will give time off to vote.
Another Civil War is a definite possibility that has been building ever since the 2020 election was stolen from We the People. And either way the win goes today, there will be friction. The campaign stops by both candidates paints a dismal picture for the Democratic Party. Harris had to literally bribe people to attend with free music concerts, and even then drew minimal crowds, while the Trump rallies were always sold out with crowds watching the huge outside monitors. The finale of all this should be extremely interesting… when the Vice President is asked to certify the results!
“National Guard troops on standby in Washington state, Oregon and Nevada as a precaution for ‘potential’ election unrest.”-CNN’
Uh, it ain’t us MAGAS they are worried about!!!
MANY of us are demonized by blatant lies. HOW CAN a voter vote for a person with 34 felonies, sued by a journalist and porn star for rape and many other offenses like demeaning immigrants as a blood stain on our democracy, calling others as dumb, lunatics, anyhow it takes one to know one. A psychologist who is a close relative of the candidate warns people about his mental status and it can be observed well during his rallies with rumblings about others, elderly close to 80 who have lived making lies about anything he can think of, an angry old man whose mind is filled with hatred that may make his heart weaker because of the strain made from the slowing down of his blood circulation, his mixed gray hairs that portrays an elderly man with so much anxiety. I am 86 years old worked hard as a college dean of a college of nursing, a nurse educator for years and have seen young man with so much anxiety drop dead after having sex with an 18 year old. Our current candidate for president has so much anxiety who is facing the court decision on some of his transgressions after this election. This is a man who disrespects women and call them different inappropriate titles that a decent human being cannot stomach. MAY OUR GOOD GOD HELP THIS OLD MAN WITH SO MANY TRANSGRESSIONS THAT NO NORMAL INDIVIDUAL HAVE COMMITTED AND HOPEFULLY MAKE SOME AMENDS BEFORE HIS LAST BREATH THAT HIS POOR SOUL WILL END IN PURGATORY THAT MAY LAST FOR ANOTHER LIFETIME BEFORE HIS SOUL CAN BE PURGED AND HOPEFULLY MAY BE SENT TO HEAVEN AFTER THOUSDANDS OF PRAYERS OFFERED FOR SAVING HIS SOUL FROM HELL. WE might earn a single blessing for offering a prayer for a real obvious sinful man.
FINAL AD IS RIGHT! After the voters flush the orange turd tonight, the only thing we will hear from Trump is him whining to the Maga-morons to send him money to fight a rigged election. Of course that money (again) will be used the pay the orange turd’s legal bills.
You sure are going to be eating shit after Trump wins today.
Please move to China or Russia with the Bribem family. You might want to wash your filthy mouth out after eating that ORANGE EGG ON YOUR FACE!
Stay in your parents basement Heather and Jezebel. I mean Isabel
Isabel doesn’t realize the 2020 election was rigged! She doesn’t realize the White House Counsels office was involved with the planning of the Kangaroo political trials and guaranteed convictions in our dirty court system that Bribem’s boss “Obama” and his wingman “In contempt of Congress” Holder helped arrange. Nate of “Fani and Nate” Fulton County Fame, (DA hired ambulance chasing boyfriend to take Trump in fabricated case to court. She was another one that had a platform like Bragg in NY to GET TRUMP. I SEE MANY DISBARMENTS! The REPUBLICANS JUST WON CONTROL OF THE SENATE!
I wonder what God Isabel is talking about!!??
Because it sure isn’t the one protecting President Trump.
What god would support a pussy grabbing sexual predator who bangs porn stars and cheats on every wife he’s had? Pervert POS Trump is the last person anyone would call a Christian.
Sort of refreshing Heather. I guess you haven’t been in a girl’s locker room, or in a military barracks? We are now “with President Trump” taking the guys out of girls locker rooms, and off the sports teams. We will have AWOL TIM WALZ put all those Tampon machines back in the women’s rest rooms. They aren’t needed in the boys rooms, but you evidently didn’t know this. MAKE AMERICA UN-KRAZY AGAIN!
Harris had her supporters sent home. Trump is still keeping his supporters waiting after 2 AM. They don’t care about them now that it’s over. That’s rude.
Yes, it’s amazing how so many women voted against women’s rights, and how so many Latinos were ok with being insulted. Now, let’s hope that Trump’s promises weren’t all bullshit lies like his previous promises were. His tariffs will increase our cost of living, and tax cuts for the rich will greatly increase the deficit again.