Trump Drops BAD NEWS on Gavin Newsom as California Burns



Gavin Newsom and Karen Bass, both the epitome of incompetence.

Electing stupid people has consequences


  1. What a worthless, incompetent, egotistic, narcistic, embarrassing, governor, that is no where to be found. This is forest mismanagement, and absolute stupid, smartass governor, who listens to no one, while california burns. U voted this pathetic, worthless, governor, in and this is what u get. What does he have to take, to fire his worthless ass. the rest of California to burn. How do u fight fires, with no fkg water in the hydrants.

    • It was just said on FOX a little while ago that Newsom is closing three of CA’s biggest dams because it will increase the salmon and steel head trout population! (as homes are burning to the ground because of lack of water and resources). It was also said that Karen Bass had cut the budget of fire fighters. She was interviewed and refused to even speak to the reporters – she just stood there saying absolutely nothing when asked if she felt responsible. 5 people have died so far and 1000+ structures have burned and it will probably increase. It’s 0% contained. The pictures are devastating. I haven’t heard yet how the fires started but the Santa Ana winds certainly don’t help. I hope Newsom and Bass have to pay for this. I hope they’re sued by all of the homeowners that lost their homes or worse, their loved ones. Their negligence is unconscionable. I’m from CA and I have 3 sisters who still live in CA. One lives in Rancho Cucamonga in San Bernardino Co. and there’s one fire there in Rialto just east of her. I grew up in Fullerton, Orange Co. just east of LA area. None of this crap happened when I was growing up, not to this extent.

      • As a lifelong Southern California resident of nearly seven decades, I can totally verify the truth in what you said. There’s always been an evil element present in this state, as would be expected in a place with such a great climate and so many resources. But that element was always a small minority compared to the total population. Now, however, it seems that evil has crept into every facet of our state, starting with the government itself. Of course, this is a problem to some degree throughout the country – and indeed the world – but for some reason it seems to be so much more concentrated here in the “Golden State”. Personally, I believe that all of this is ultimately the result of living in a Godless society, and urban California is the perfect example of that.

  2. Most parts of California know very well that these leftist a**hats are destroying our state – just look at the map to see how many counties supported Trump in the last election. Unfortunately, the largest population centers – which obviously corresponds to California’s largest cities – are still full of clueless democrat idiots with no regard for the overall well-being of EVERYONE in the state. As in the rest of the blue states, the democrats’ handful of social concerns (sexual and racial identity, abortion rights, protection of illegal aliens and criminals) take precedence over any and all other issues. The fact that their narrow-minded selfishness costs countless lives means nothing to them, as they feel that the ends justify the means. We’ll continue to see folks like Bass elected since she checks all the correct liberal boxes, of which competency is not a consideration. Newscum will likely be replaced by someone equally incompetent, but likely not white, and probably not male. California is a wonderful state, but the rot in its cities runs too deep to save it.

  3. Why not look to our own government starting these fires plus these dim bulbs don’t want anything cleared out in their wooded areas. Gavin Newsome should be charged with crimes against his own citizens. I hope our tax payer dollars do not pay for all of these damages.

  4. Newsome and Pelosi are CATHOLIC.Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that has not overspent?
    Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that is not corrupt?
    Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “ C” nation that has honest elections?
    Have you ever heard of a “C” nation that is successful?
    Have you ever heard of a “C’’ nation where the populace is educated?
    Have you ever heard of a “C” nation that does not need to ‘export’ the illiterate ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC “C” INVADERS?
    Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” and you vote for a traitor.
    Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” and the borders will never be secured.

    • You are totally out of line. You are insulting every Catholic, not just the corrupt politicians. Your subject line has absolutely NOTHING to do with the devastating fires that are going on. Your hatred is so thick that it is almost tangible.

      • I’m not Catholic, but I agree with you, Leslie. Many corrupt politicians claim to be Catholic just as many of the mafia claim the same thing, but they are Catholic in name only. And corrupt coward Clinton was a Presbyterian. Does that mean all Presbyterians are corrupt like Billy? How about Jimmy worthless Carter? Wasn’t he Baptist? Does that mean all Baptist are corrupt like Jimmy was? I should think not. The time will come for all these corrupt politicians to face Jesus and Jesus will say to them, “I never knew you.” And Jesus doesn’t care what religion a person claims to be.

        • Well said, Wilddog. Of course, your comment applies not only to politicians, but to ALL the evil and corrupt folks among us. And that time is coming MUCH sooner than most of those folks think.

  5. This is all premeditated NOT incompetence! No water???!!!! duh no water for forest, so set a fire and watch it burn…New-scum is handing the marxists a win by destroying of the whole once beautiful state of Ca. Trillions of dollars and gallons of water poured in the Pacific ocean so the marxists could burn it all down, fiddle New-scum, fiddle

  6. Sure can’t blame this fire on a cow knocking over a kerosene lantern. The blames goes first, to the idiots who continue to vote the idiot politicians to run California down into the septic tank. Then, with Californians blaming the Pelosi voting fraud machine as being responsible for allowing the idiot dummycrats to be 2 bit dictators over the state, why haven’t the people rose up and overthrew the dummycrat corruption machine? They got rid of Gray-out Davis, why can’t they get rid of the stupid worthless dummycrats this time? I feel sorry for the people that hate the dictators running California and want to get out but can’t afford to leave. Now, it’s announced many property owners in the L.A. area lost their fire insurance months ago so there’s no insurance money available to fund an exodus out of that shithole state. And forget FEMA. The people of North Carolina found that out. Defunding the fire department, giving away fire fighting equipment to Ukraine, destroying reservoirs that were designed to be an alternative water source in case of a disaster like this, and then hiring incompetent fags to be fire fighters. Californians voted for this stupid shit and now they are reaping what they have sown. The latest death count is 5, but how many homeless people have been killed (murdered) that weren’t counted and most likely never will be counted. Those little settlements made of canvas, nylon, and cardboard would sure fuel any fire. Then there’s the dummycrat’s best friends, the illegal Latin American criminals that were welcomed into California. Bet their dead bodies will never be counted. Yeah, Californians are soooo full of compassion and then brag that they are the 6th largest economy in the world. LOL!!!! In your wet dreams, California! But, looking on the bright side, this is one way to clean up that shithole.

  7. Newsom is thinking about running for President and all I can say, He completely Destroyed California as Governor who would be stupid enough to vote for him as President of the United States. I do not see any Democrat today that would be fit to run for President, most of them are corrupt and only care about themselves, money and power nothing else. A lot of smart Democrats have already left the party. I say do away with the Democrats never vote them into any Government office and the corrupt ones already in office vote them out. Vote for only the ones that care about our country and its citizens and puts them first.

    • Even though Sore Throat Kamala lost the election by a very wide margin, I was still surprised by the number of votes she claims she got. Don’t know how many were living people and how many were dead people, but she did get some real votes. This is a stupid woman who climbed the political ladder by wearing out several pairs of knee pads. She was NEVER elected to anything. It shows there are still stupid people who will vote for garbage politicians and the worst disease for human beings all throughout human history is stupid, for which there is no cure for.

      • For the reasons you mentioned, I don’t believe that there will ever be a large scale “awakening” among the leftists. Their entire worldview is warped by their own stupidity which, as you stated, there is no cure for. As much as it hurts me to say it, I wouldn’t be too surprised if Harris has a pretty fair chance at becoming our next governor – that’s how stupid the voters are in the most populated areas of this state. The desire for helping everyone was thrown out years ago in favor of helping only those in one’s special interest group. Everyone on the left has their own issue that they obsess over at the exclusion of everything else. There are plenty who will see the election of a non-white female as the most important step they can take, regardless of her proven record of total incompetency.


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