Jack and that judge should be in jail
Perjury and obstruction charges should only apply when the defendant is convicted of the original charge.
Jack and that judge should be in jail
Perjury and obstruction charges should only apply when the defendant is convicted of the original charge.
I wonder how corrupt judges are treated by convicts when an ex judge becomes the new meat on the cell block. Could throw that corrupt dummycrat judge in prison and find out.
They both belong in prison, but like most crooked cops, judges, attorneys nothing ever happens to them. He’ll stay on the bench handing out more demonic sentences one after another just like dirty knees Harris did. They know they’re safe
The above are all CATHOLIC.
Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that has not overspent?
Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that is not corrupt?
Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “ C” nation that has honest elections?
Have you ever heard of a “C” nation that is successful?
Have you ever heard of a “C’’ nation where the populace is educated?
Have you ever heard of a “C” nation that does not need to ‘export’ the illiterate ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC “C” INVADERS?
Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” and you vote for a traitor.
Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” and the borders will never be secured.
do you still have that little black mustache?
SCOTUS already ruled that sitting Presidents can’t be bothered. This is going to be appealed and dispensed with before Friday. That crooked judge is going to miss the attention.