Wilddog he is not a little bitch he is a lying coward and a traitor. He should be facing a military tribunal and life in GITMO for what he has done. Desertion in a crime and he did that when he walked away just before be deployed. Baby assed useless coward.
The scope of delusionality represented by ” We didn’t push Progressive policy hard enough. ” provides all of the reason needed to refuse to EVER vote Democrat again. National leadership should be predicated upon a clear grasp of reality , and a capacity to develop real, pragmatic answers to actual problems. Hissy fit Tantrums are never an answer except for the creation of Comedy, or compounding problems.
“we are going to execute them” now THAT I am interested in
Wimpy Timmy screams like a little bitch, which he is.
Wilddog he is not a little bitch he is a lying coward and a traitor. He should be facing a military tribunal and life in GITMO for what he has done. Desertion in a crime and he did that when he walked away just before be deployed. Baby assed useless coward.
The scope of delusionality represented by ” We didn’t push Progressive policy hard enough. ” provides all of the reason needed to refuse to EVER vote Democrat again. National leadership should be predicated upon a clear grasp of reality , and a capacity to develop real, pragmatic answers to actual problems. Hissy fit Tantrums are never an answer except for the creation of Comedy, or compounding problems.