Third Trump Assassination Attempt Right NOW! Suspect ARRESTED With LOADED Firearms, FAKE VIP Pass



It’s not a gun thing, it’s a Democrat thing

I travel the country for a living. I meet all walks of life. Iโ€™m here to tell you, 95 percent of ppl want Trump.


  1. The Socialist-Globalist pre pro Communist Democratic Party ALL want Trump dead because he(Trump) is a threat to their anti-American Marxist takeover
    of Americas 240+ year โ€œOne Nation Under Godโ€ wanting to replace this slogan with โ€œOne Nation Under the Governmentโ€!! โ€ฆ..( the Communist-Marxist Government)โ€”-Want proof?? Read it on line
    The head of the USA Communist Party has given his full support to the Democratic Party in this election for the radical leftist
    dictatorship (anti-Christian, anti-Republican) direction it is taking our country! WAKE UP DEMOCRATS!!

  2. Who did the would-be assassin get the fake VIP pass from? How did he get the loaded firearm in? Who dropped the ball this time? The DOJ, FBI, USSS need to be held accountable. People need to be fired and confined until the truth comes out. Subpoenas need to be issued and if it’s a no show, arrest them on the spot. This is beyond ridiculous! Trump/Vance 2024!! It can’t come soon enough.

  3. Once a “people” get a taste of “Free” , whether it is food, housing , medicine, or education, the taste becomes a narcotic. Just why do you think “Obamacare” was put into place? “Obama “GAVE ME” a cellphone!
    The narcotic takes over and instead of “working for a living”, you have “working for the GUVMENT”. Observe “Civil Servants” [well named, servant] they start exactly when the clock strikes 9:00am, and Stops immediately at 5:00 pm. The breaks are taken when due, no matter how pressing the matter, lunch is EXACTLY one hour , and don’t even ask a question UNTIL their break is over.
    IF you can find someone who was under the thumb of Russian communism , ask about the “FREEBIES”. The housing. The shortages of food, toilet paper , and other necessities. Please think back to COVID[ that manmade debacle for imprisoning you] and remember ALL of the SHORTAGES. The jobs lost, businesses that shut down and never recovered.

  4. The constitution say it is God that gives you liberty freedom of speech and other freedoms take God away you have no freedom only that the government allows you to have

  5. Fake VIP pass, Fire Arms galore, had already said he would kill Trump and they let him out on $5,000 bail?????? WTF??? If they released him after that then I would say they are also involved or want Trump dead. How in the hell could they release him. He had an unregistered vehicle, Fake ID and numerous weapons, already said he would kill Trump, what more to they need to prosecute that person. This country has gone to crap!!!!!

  6. “Itโ€™s not a gun thing, itโ€™s a Democrat thing”
    However THE REAL AMERICA is still a REAL DEMOCRACY and UNFORTUNATELY !! There are still some really STUPID and CRAZEY People out there in The REAL AMERICA! (and they are being ARRESTED !! WOW!) that you really DESIRE to OVERTURN Any ELECTION ,for YOUR Republican! DICTATORSHIP so YOU CAN ship everyone who disagrees With YOU and Hasn’t yet got their LEGAL ! Citizenship FINALIZED………….SHIPPED OUT of YOUR Country !!!!

    • Let’s see Jag, who is trying to put their opponent in jail on bogus trumped up charges?

      Who lies constantly about their opponent, calling him a “threat to our democracy,” (when we know he is not because he gave us freedom security, jobs, ability to buy homes, lower gas and grocery prices, lower everything, brought businesses back to the U.S., creating new jobs, peace in the Middle East, no new wars to kill and mame our children, in his last term) we already know he is a “for the people President”!!!!

      Who says “it is time to put Trump in a bulls eye,” who says “let’s just get rid of Trump” Who in a video said he and Obama have “put together the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization in the history of American politics” and they used it to put Obama in office” Bidens exact words, look it up!!!

      Who uses these tactics to stay in power and eliminate their opponent?
      Brazil? Venezulia? Third World Countries? YES, AND THEY ARE NOW BEING BOUGHT AND JOINED BY SOROS, ( who hates America and wants to destroy us) AND THE DEMOCRATICS IN GOVERNMENT in the USA! Soros has mega bucks and can buy anyone willing to do his dirty work! Prosecutes, Congressmen, Senators, Presidents?

      Good thing the majority of the USA, have figured this out, and have their eyes open to what is really going on!, and are voting for Donald J. Trump, fighting to keep our freedoms!

      Get off the MSM propaganda, Soros sponsored tv, and radio stations that are trying to Communise our country by telling its puppets what to think, and do, and join the rest of Americans who know the truth!!

      • Embarrassing Trump is the champion moron! Imagine any other politician babbling about Hannibal Lechter, sharks & boat batteries, snakes, whales & windmills, rigged elections, toilet flushes, eating pets, wet rain, shower pressure, nuking hurricanes, etc? What a demented fucking lunatic! Flush the orange turd AGAIN, and get him a padded cell.

  7. Sure beats the Trump times these days.
    Last time I checked, restaurants are full, airplanes are packed, hotels are filled, concerts are packed, sports events are full to capacity.. highways are packed with vehicles.
    yeah.. economy is not good huh!?


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