No, the rug has more integrity than the Clintons. The Clintons and shitpants Joe lie so much they have no idea what truth is. They believe their own lies.
The Clinton’s Bidens and Obama are all child molesters perverts of the first degree and it amazes me that Americans voted for perversions just because he was black like that is proof they are qualified to run America
It is easy to criticize others and yet we cannot see our own fauls/failures. WE have different failures in different degrees. Let us all be fair and less judgmental, only God knows who we are inside and out. MAY THE HOLY SPIRIT give us the ability to recognize our own faults.
Hillary Clinton started the whole Russia hoax, smashed cell phones, bleachBit her computer, and lied through her teeth about the missing emails. She is part of the corrupt swamp. You know the old saying, what goes around, comes around. Pelosi broke her hip and has to have surgery. Get well Nancy, it’s time to retire.
He and his wife lie like rugs
No, the rug has more integrity than the Clintons. The Clintons and shitpants Joe lie so much they have no idea what truth is. They believe their own lies.
I thought it got tense because the hags thought they were going to be Arkancided.
They might be found in a cemetery, with a pistol in their non domant hand, and a hole in the opposite of their brain….
What less to expect from globalist puppet, god worshiping, demonrat criminal party and all of their CRIMINAL organizations .
The Clinton’s Bidens and Obama are all child molesters perverts of the first degree and it amazes me that Americans voted for perversions just because he was black like that is proof they are qualified to run America
It is easy to criticize others and yet we cannot see our own fauls/failures. WE have different failures in different degrees. Let us all be fair and less judgmental, only God knows who we are inside and out. MAY THE HOLY SPIRIT give us the ability to recognize our own faults.
Hillary Clinton started the whole Russia hoax, smashed cell phones, bleachBit her computer, and lied through her teeth about the missing emails. She is part of the corrupt swamp. You know the old saying, what goes around, comes around. Pelosi broke her hip and has to have surgery. Get well Nancy, it’s time to retire.