Senile shitpants Joe’s revenge. He was a good stupid brainless puppet for 3.5 years and all they had to do is keep the illegal money flowing to his family and change his diaper once in a while. When they overthrew him and put pornstar Sore Throat Kamala in his place he knew he’d been stabbed in the back. But, didn’t Trump say this back in 2020 before the general election that was going to be the dummycrat party’s plan, especially when ugly old stupid drunk hag Pelosi was talking big shit about the 25th amendment? The only surprise is that the dummycrats waited so long. No doubt this is Joe’s way of rubbing his shitty diaper in the dummycrat’s face.
Can’t we have some decency? YOUR language is so hateful and beyond decent. PRAYING that you and your comrades will learn in a hard way to be a little decent and with less hatred that dominates in your brain cells and bad blood in your circulatory system that might clog one day. Anger and hatred coagulate your blood and shuts down circulation hence might led to a heart attack and/or a massive stroke. Seems you are pagans and no spiritual virtue left in your heart.
I’m sorry you can’t handle the truth about the dummycrats. You save your preaching for the dummycrat party. THEY are the party of hateful atheist that would send all Christians and Jews into concentration camps. They hate Hitler but love Stalin and yet Stalin murdered more Jews than Hitler, but Stalin was in power twice as long. You should actually read the ENTIRE Bible instead of nitpicking the parts you like. There are several times when God told the Jews to wipe out their enemies, women and children included. Does that make God a hateful pagan? Isabel, you’re a phony. Maybe you could get a job as a TV preacher and become very wealthy using God to line your pockets.
I really do not care about the view thier opinion never mattered except for stupid racist people that was to lazy and dumb to do thier own research about the truth of the matter and demonrats crying is music to my ears every time I here a demonrat cry I laugh until my sides hurt I never cared about the view and every time a Comercial of the view I changed the channel because just listening to thier useless propaganda shrunk my IQ points and I need all the intelligence I have left in my old age
Who are the real Hitler types? The kool aide COVID drinkers who talked about putting people like me (mom, gramma, Army veteran) be put in a isolation camp for not getting the jab. Or those who called the police on their neighbors for going outside. Or the two fat fems who got on me for not wearing a mask, and the Karen who did the same. I realized what happened in Nazi Germany by the COVID believers in our country. Yeah, we’re ripe.
We all know what the democrats are they dug their own grave let us hope and pray trump and his appointees can clean this hodge podge that the misused name democrats has created their is or was nothing democratic about those misguided idioted we now move on and help our heroes get their jobs done
A smooth transition as smooth as it can get = globalists and their demonrat criminal party and their media and all their CRIMINAL organizations will continue to try to assassinate Trump .
Senile shitpants Joe’s revenge. He was a good stupid brainless puppet for 3.5 years and all they had to do is keep the illegal money flowing to his family and change his diaper once in a while. When they overthrew him and put pornstar Sore Throat Kamala in his place he knew he’d been stabbed in the back. But, didn’t Trump say this back in 2020 before the general election that was going to be the dummycrat party’s plan, especially when ugly old stupid drunk hag Pelosi was talking big shit about the 25th amendment? The only surprise is that the dummycrats waited so long. No doubt this is Joe’s way of rubbing his shitty diaper in the dummycrat’s face.
Can’t we have some decency? YOUR language is so hateful and beyond decent. PRAYING that you and your comrades will learn in a hard way to be a little decent and with less hatred that dominates in your brain cells and bad blood in your circulatory system that might clog one day. Anger and hatred coagulate your blood and shuts down circulation hence might led to a heart attack and/or a massive stroke. Seems you are pagans and no spiritual virtue left in your heart.
I’m sorry you can’t handle the truth about the dummycrats. You save your preaching for the dummycrat party. THEY are the party of hateful atheist that would send all Christians and Jews into concentration camps. They hate Hitler but love Stalin and yet Stalin murdered more Jews than Hitler, but Stalin was in power twice as long. You should actually read the ENTIRE Bible instead of nitpicking the parts you like. There are several times when God told the Jews to wipe out their enemies, women and children included. Does that make God a hateful pagan? Isabel, you’re a phony. Maybe you could get a job as a TV preacher and become very wealthy using God to line your pockets.
How long will we be subjected to these Stupid Hags?
How Long?
I really do not care about the view thier opinion never mattered except for stupid racist people that was to lazy and dumb to do thier own research about the truth of the matter and demonrats crying is music to my ears every time I here a demonrat cry I laugh until my sides hurt I never cared about the view and every time a Comercial of the view I changed the channel because just listening to thier useless propaganda shrunk my IQ points and I need all the intelligence I have left in my old age
By the way Santa is a TRUMP republican because he wares red lololollol merry Christmas can’t wait for the new year
Who are the real Hitler types? The kool aide COVID drinkers who talked about putting people like me (mom, gramma, Army veteran) be put in a isolation camp for not getting the jab. Or those who called the police on their neighbors for going outside. Or the two fat fems who got on me for not wearing a mask, and the Karen who did the same. I realized what happened in Nazi Germany by the COVID believers in our country. Yeah, we’re ripe.
We all know what the democrats are they dug their own grave let us hope and pray trump and his appointees can clean this hodge podge that the misused name democrats has created their is or was nothing democratic about those misguided idioted we now move on and help our heroes get their jobs done
A smooth transition as smooth as it can get = globalists and their demonrat criminal party and their media and all their CRIMINAL organizations will continue to try to assassinate Trump .