They have ALL been in jail for almost four years!!!! What about their lives? Their families and kids.. all the birthdays, funerals and life events that they missed because their constitutional rights were eliminated!!!
I’m disgusted by what is happened to our country.
Thank the good Lord that the tyranny of the last 4 years is almost over.
no historian or even Glenn Beck will tell you that Abe Lincoln had 11 senators from Maryland arrested, their property seized & stolen, the women & children kicked to the street, with only the clothes on their backs. He did this so they couldn’t vote to secede with the South. Some died in jail. Others were never reunited with their families. Property gone, left penniless. What a swell (headed) guy. A tyrant, racist, atheist that has been burning and rotting in HELL for 164 years, and rightly so.
IT went crazy, LONG before the 1860’s Glenn. Many other dates since then have just added to the socialist LIES we so enjoy today. Insurrection? how about Nov. 22 1963? The POTUS was murdered by our gov’t. in Dallas Texas
i have always believed LBJ had Kennedy killed
Power corrupts/ Absolute power is Biden cronnies in the Marxist / Soros/Obama run White house trying everything possible to destroy Capitalist USA