It takes time to undo the the destruction the Democrats and Biden did to this Country it’s only two months that President Trump is in office and so far he is doing a great job cleaning up the Corruption and wasteful spending.
Go eat another 10 Big Macs you slime ball. He has been POTUS less than 2 months. Your slow witted Biden had 4 years to dig this hole we now have to dig out of. By the way TONAGE how much are you worth financially? You Dimwitocrats need some new materiel. Stupid, lazy, robots, who, get a script daily and are required to repeat it ver badim like good little morons. Take some of your cash, and find a Dentist to fix that gap in your teeth.
She’ll never destroy her career, because there are stupid libturds in Georgia who will still vote for her. If Trump was really helping the rich, all of the demoncrat politicians would be happy. They’re all rich, corrupt criminals. Where’s all of the taxpayers money you pilfered, Stacy?
Her career is to make a complete fool out of herself.
It takes time to undo the the destruction the Democrats and Biden did to this Country it’s only two months that President Trump is in office and so far he is doing a great job cleaning up the Corruption and wasteful spending.
And she “Abrams” wanted to be the Governor of the Peach State, Oh God help us, this low life nincompoop would have destroyed Georgia.
What does this have to do with the question? Where did the money go that you were given?
Go eat another 10 Big Macs you slime ball. He has been POTUS less than 2 months. Your slow witted Biden had 4 years to dig this hole we now have to dig out of. By the way TONAGE how much are you worth financially? You Dimwitocrats need some new materiel. Stupid, lazy, robots, who, get a script daily and are required to repeat it ver badim like good little morons. Take some of your cash, and find a Dentist to fix that gap in your teeth.
Well said, ELLEN.
She is merely exposing all the democrat tactics that have used on all us Americans the last four years.
She’ll never destroy her career, because there are stupid libturds in Georgia who will still vote for her. If Trump was really helping the rich, all of the demoncrat politicians would be happy. They’re all rich, corrupt criminals. Where’s all of the taxpayers money you pilfered, Stacy?
Liberia was created exclusively for Afro-American that wished to leave the USA. unfortunately, few accepted the moving.