Sylvester Stallone Totally BREAKS Jimmy Kimmel After INSANE MELTDOWN!



Stallone isn’t a creep like them. God bless him and those like him.

Keep cryin, Jimmy, that’s the only thing you do well.


  1. Shows the difference between one who payed to play the fool and one who is true to themselves. One look at these fools of the democrats and you just know who’s who. There all the same. They can’t or who adjust to the real side of life. So they play their part of the fool and they cry themselves to sleep. Thank God for the real men who won’t take a step back.

    • The networks have been welfaring these shows along with their looser news departments for years. All the lame stream media scum are in death spirals. Not if, only when the money is cut off for the biz deaths.

  2. I watched Kimmel once after I retired just to see if it was any good (I was never up that late when I was working). It was in 2015 before things became political. I thought it was boring. I didn’t even chuckle a few times. I was waiting for a funny line but it never came. Zero humor.

    • I find it funny how Kimmel went from “The Man Show”, to being a crying soy boy. He bought in to the leftist agenda. His TDS is strong. I doubt there’s any hope that he recovers.

  3. Kimmel is the poster BOY for woke “manhood”. I’m sure he’s endeared himself to the feminists who hate real masculinity with a passion. This seems to be the M.O. of all cuck males – their primary concern in life is to be accepted by the opposite sex, even if it means turning their backs on morality. Of course, being accepted by these pseudo-females doesn’t mean being RESPECTED by them. These fools are, in fact, not respected by anyone, most importantly themselves. They go through life trying to prove their wokeness to others to make up for this lack of self-respect. The more desperate they are, the louder they become. Kimmel is indeed a desperate “man”.

    • I used to think of myself as a feminist back when all we wanted was equal pay for doing the same job as a man. We didn’t get it. Even then, I did not need to denigrate someone to make myself look good. That was a long time ago. Then came the rise of the Feminazi. Now I couldn’t tell you what a feminist is or stands for. The entire movement might as well have been flushed down a toilet. It did nothing good.

  4. WHO is kimmel have heard his name but noting smart was added about him . Stallone is a household name almost and he hada ruff start in the beginning


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