The Hollywood elites are only elite in their little world of make believe. Take those shit heads out of Hollywood where they’d have to face the real world, they’d crumple up let a wet paper bag. Some of those shit-for brains idiots already have crumpled up since Nov. 5.
Remember that these people are actors. Their entire lives revolve around make believe. They live and work in a make believe world where reality doesn’t exist. They develop a warped view of the world from their little bubble in Hollywood. Most of them are social misfits anyway and have horrible personal lives.
The Hollywood elites are only elite in their little world of make believe. Take those shit heads out of Hollywood where they’d have to face the real world, they’d crumple up let a wet paper bag. Some of those shit-for brains idiots already have crumpled up since Nov. 5.
Remember that these people are actors. Their entire lives revolve around make believe. They live and work in a make believe world where reality doesn’t exist. They develop a warped view of the world from their little bubble in Hollywood. Most of them are social misfits anyway and have horrible personal lives.
The Hollywood elites are totally insulated from the real world. They live in their own little bubbles of wealth, while us commoners suffer.