Stephen Colbert FALLS APART on TV Trying To ROAST Trump – Hilarious BACKFIRE!



Colbert’s such a little wussy.

Colbert and John Stewart went to p diddy parties.


  1. Originally I liked Colbert. Jimmy Fallon would immediately start every monologue cutting down Trump. Colbert wasn’t as harsh. He did it like the previous Late evening hosts where it was still funny. The others were ruthless. Suddenly, Colbert turned into the rest of them. I don’t think he wants to act that way. These shows, after the news, were supposed to make you forget about your day and make you laugh. They don’t anymore.

  2. Trump is repeating himself because people aren`t getting it. Put the bong down and pay attention. No matter who gets in there will be a termination of welfare and food stamps. Our government can`t even afford to pay the interest on the money they borrowed.

  3. Trump never really wins anything.
    2016-Hillary beat him by 3 million votes.
    2020-Biden flushed him by 6 million votes.
    2022-Trump failed with his Red Tsunami.
    Court cases-Zero wins.
    Overturn election attempt-Failed again.
    2024 Debate- crushed by a woman he calls stupid.
    Obviously the orange turd is just a total loser.

    • Marion,
      Since you and the others here are so indoctrinated by the MSM propaganda,
      (actual news castors don’t cry when they don’t get the outcomes they want, they don’t blame EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING on one man that has not been in office for almost 4 years), calling for his elimination! That is Venezulia, or Brazil!! Never done in the US before!
      Turning our country into a 3rd World Country who eliminates their opponents!

      Real news casters are impartial, they show both sides of the story, both candidates. Have you ever heard a Trump rally speech or is the MSM “sparing you” so they can tell you how to think(Communist Propaganda).
      Guess they don’t think you are capable of making up your own mind!

      EVERYTHING is Donald Trumps fault, the big bad boogie man that when President, had the best economy ever, who made the US energy self suffient and had gas price of less than $2.00 per gallon, groceries 48% lower, housing prices affordable and tax cuts for all classes, who had the lowest unemployment for every class, and No New Wars to kill and maime our kids!! or have they wiped your memory so clean with hatred for one man that you never question them, or remember how good things were during Trumps Presidency!!! Did you have more money then or now?

      They said he would not leave the White House peacefully, and he did! Was he a threat to our democracy then?!!
      He did say he would be a Dictator on day one, and tell them to close the border to secure the U.S., and to Drill Baby Drill, to make us energy independent again!!!
      They can’t tell you exactly what he says because they would never win!!

      So a question for you, if Hillary won by 3 million votes in 2016, why wasn’t she president? That entire sentence contradicts itself!

      Have you seen the video of Biden saying he and Obama “put together the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD ORGANIZATION in the history of American politics” that they used starting with Obama. They weren’t expecting Trump to win in 2016, but they were in 2020. Which pretty much covers the 2020, and 2022 elections!! 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

      As far as the court cases against Trump, they are falling apart!! 😮
      Mostly because they were all rigged from the beginning by Democrat Prosecuters paid by Sorso, and Judges who contributed to the Democratic Party, who’s kids worked for and have been receiving money from the Clintons, and made tons of money off of the Court case!,

      Oh and because the Supreme Court ruled that ALL PRESIDENTS have “BROAD IMMUNITY FOR OFFICIAL ACTS” if they did not a Presdent could not make any decision for fear of being put in jail after their term was up! THINK THINK THINK for your self and stop believing everything they are spoon feeding you!!

      As for the debate, Lindsey Davis (the lady asking the questions) is Kamala’s sorority sister? The head of ABC is Kamala’s friend? She introduced Kamala to her husband? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 wonder why Kamala wanted the debate there?!!

      Did you notice Kamala was never fact checked for all the lies she told??
      That Donald Trump said to her face during the debate that he knows nothing about Project 2025, and does NOT support it, but she accused him of supporting it again after he said that and nothing was said!

      She lies so much like “I came from a middle class home”, which she did not, or “I am black,” which Judge Joe Brown, who has met her father says she is NOT BLACK!
      ” We have a bold and vibrant President in Joe Biden,” “OUR BORDER IS SECURE”

      How do you think she is going to stand up to Putin, who has endorsed her, or Kim Jung Un, or President Xi?? They will destroy her!!! And possibly the US!

      • You should maybe do a little fact-checking before babbling nonsense? All you do is repeat Trump’s bullshit, and he can’t finish a sentence without lying.

        • “What can be, unburdened by what has been.”
          “What can be, unburdened by what has been” resonates with themes found in revolutionary movements, including the Chinese Revolution’

          ‘We know community banks are in the community …’

          ‘We will assist Jamaica in COVID recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica …’

          ‘It’s time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day’

          ‘I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled …’

          ‘We’ve got to take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are because you have been forced to take this seriously …’

          ‘Our allies have stood firm and unified in a way… to ensure that we are unified’

    • Marion and Sammy Boy…..
      “CNN’s Dana Bash suggested the Harris-Walz ticket appeals to males who might not be as masculine as their Republican counterparts. CNN’s Jake Tapper agreed, noting they had been speaking earlier about “different definitions of masculinity in 2024.”

    • Where do you get this inaccurate crap…??? Donald Trump graduated because he is a very intelligent man who doesn’t need anyone to take an SAT for him…Stop watching and listening to the fake news….

      • Trump’s professor said he was the dumbest student he ever had. Donnie threatened to sue the school if they released his grades.

        • Decrepit Joke Biden…Lied about his law school ‘top’ ranking (He was 76th out of 85 students.)

          Trump’s professor is still indoctrinating mush brains while PRESIDENT TRUMP packs stadiums and arenas with hard working, honest, loyal AMERICANS.

          Is that why you are so angry and foaming at the mouth??

          • Don’t fall for Trump’s bullshit. He failed on all his election promises, and was a joke as president. Americans didn’t flush the orange turd because he did a good job. Voters aren’t stupid. Any decent candidate could have beaten Biden. That’s how much of a useless loser Trump was. Why do you think 18 of his own former cabinet appointees are now supporting Harris/ Stop being brainwashed by a moron!

      • He sure isn’t known as a successful businessman. How dumb and incompetent do you have to be to have 20 failed businesses and 6 bankruptcies. Who else has ever bankrupted two casinos? LOL! Oh, and it looks like now Trump Media and his Liberty crypto will be 22 total failures. Now he’s peddling $100,000 watches to his maga-morons while they complain about high prices. Imagine how hard you would laugh if a Democrat was that stupid!

  4. A sandwich shop outside of Pittsburgh refused to let Senator J.D. Vance host a planned campaign event, instead reportedly forcing the Republican vice-presidential nominee to shake hands in a parking lot. Vance should know where he isn’t wanted. Especially in Ohio, after his moronic lies. Hard to tell who is the dumbest. The weirdo or the senile orange turd. Trump probably.

  5. Hey Sammy boy. It’s interesting because Ohio is being overrun by Haitians that your D.E.I., box checked stupe sent there.
    Nobody ever said Penn. voters were smart, look at Lurch Fetterman!

  6. Glad you have turd in your name. It fits you perfectly. Guess you’re too ignorant to know about the labor shortage and that the Haitians were brought there to do the jobs Americans didn’t want to do. Can’t blame you for being a typical clueless maga-moron, but you don’t need to display it.


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